Jenuery al, 1941 Cole Karl F. Baldwin _ 400 Fowler Shops University of Kansas ‘Deer Cole Baldwin: I find thet I heve neglected to thenk you for your organizetion's very fine cooperation in loaning us eight blankets when we drove to Menhattan for the Kaneas Aggie=Xarses besketbell geme on Janusry 206 The weather was cold and disegreeable end te boys were full of flu, so these blan'’sts contributed very materially to their health and comfort, 2s well as to our keeping the boys in the best shape possiblee Ye heve alv#ys hed wonderful cooperation and courtesy from Sergte Toy. We want you to know that we in the Athletic epartment appreciate this very muchs With all good wishes, I am, : Sincerely yours, FCs s1g:mln Director of Physical Education and Recreation. | Varsity Basketball Coach