M284. THE TEACHING OF SPEECH «ND DRAMATIC ARTS, Three hours credit. Fall. & course covering the teathing of speech fundamentals, forensics, act— ing and staging, Prerequisites, the Fundamentals Group; in the department of Speech and Dramatic Arts, courses 1, 11, 12, 51, Crafton M286, THE TEACHING OF ENGLISH. Three hours credit, Both semesters, (a) Nine weeks! study of the principles, materials, and methods involved in the teaching of literature in secondary schoels. A study of individual differences in reading and appreciation ability, and of their relation to teaching procedure. (b) Nine weeks of similar study relative te the teaching ef oral and written compesition. (c) Observation of demonstration teaching at University: High School Prerequisites, the Fundamentals Group and a major in English Fee M288. THE TEACHING OF FRENCH. Three hours credit. Fall. The course includes a systematic review of grammatical principles from the point vf view of the requirements of elementary instruction and a study of methods of veaching languages, Open only to students who give evidence of fitness for the work. Prerequisites, the Fundamentals Group and a major in French, Towne M 289, THE TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS, Three hours credit. Fall. Statement and discussion 6f the aims of the mathematics courses in the curricu.- um; the selection and ordering of the materials to be included; special tech— iique in the treatment of particular topics as: graphs, logarithms, laws, limiis, slide rule, ete,; use of standard tests; testing devices and drill materials; judging of textbeoks; the construction of courses for the junier and senior high schools, Prerequisites, the Fundamentals Group and Mathematics 7 er experience in teaching high school mathematics, Ulmer M291. THE TEACHING OF SOCIAL STUDIES. Three hours credit. Both semesters, Study of the educational and social background of present social—studies curri-— cula and the educational objectives and values to be attained, An evaluation of subject conbent made in terms of student response, Content gradation, indi- vidual differences, library~laboratory, tests, grading, special methods ef prosedure, devices, classroom technique and textbook analysis are among the topics considered, Prerequisites, the Fundamentals Group and a major in one of the so@ial studies, Litchen M293. THE TEACHING OF SPANISH, Three hours credit. Fall. Aims and value of the teaching of Spanish. Systematic review of materials, with practical drill in methods for the different aspects of language study: _ (a) pronunciation, (b) oval work, (c) vocabulary, (d) grammar, (e) reading, (f) composition, The selection and organization of content, examination of textbooks, bibliographies for the teacher and for the library. Prerequisites, the Fundamentals Group and a major in Spanish, “Gardner M296. IMPROVEMENT IN THE TEACHING OF BUSINESS SUBJECTS, Three hours credit, Both semesters and summer, To acquaint present and prospective teachers, super— visers, and administrators in business education with recent trends and practices in the teaching of typewriting, shorthand, bookkeeping, junior business training, retail selling, business arithmetic, commercial geography, consumer education, and business law, Teachers will have an opportunity to become acquainted with the best materials develaped for the teaching of these subjects, Prerequisites, Fundamentals Group, and basic courses in business education. Creuse —page fourteen—