June 17, 1942... Dean George 3. Smith, School of Education. Dear Dean Smith: I asked Henry Shenk to check up on our graduates, soniors ee ee ee ee eee physical education majors. Only the men abeve sephomere standing ' ave listed. Out ef this group I believe we could pick ten or twelve men whe would be capable under supervision of doing an excellent jeb. Of course, some of these boys may leave befere school opens _ Up, but with the R.O.T.C. leadership in giving drills and with eur staff I believe we could get along pretty well if compulsery physicel education were inaugurated here at the University of Kensas. I de net mean that we could handle a maximm lead with just these men, but this weuld be a good nucleus, and by getting in a few extra men I believe we could @ the job. The men I talk abeut bringing in would be men that we could perlmps encourage to take graduate work, but we would have te pay them more than a mere scholarship offering. I will be glad to talk with you at your conveniences. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation end Recreation, FCA: Ali Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Enc. ;