Director of Athletics, - Uni versity of Nebraska, Lincoln, Jebraska, Leer Biffer: ce Thank you for your very good letter of the 13th concerning information regarding the four tickets for the Nebrarka-liinnesota game. re I have written my good friend, Mr, #, L, Breidenthal, President of the Seeurity State Bank, 7th and Minnesota Ayenue, Kansas City, Kansas, asking him to communicate with you personally and express his wants at ones. I can say for him that he appreciates very much your concession under the conditions as they are at present. I note that the demand for tiekete for ‘your Hinmmesote game has far exceeded the supply, and for this reason i am. thankfal for your courtesy in handling this matter to the best of your ebility. : ee I noticed in ees —— day .. 7 icture showing your physioguomy and the rest of your anatomy at the bottom of the pile. ‘That was . rag a football: scrimmage. If they will turn that pile upside down and out you and Nebraska on top, at the end of the race I think the victure will shor in its true proportion, A ‘With kindest regards, I am ‘Sincerely yours, i Direetor of Physical ‘Béueation, Se