IV. EDUCATIONAL THEORY AND PHILOSOPHY 260. Modern Teaching Procedures I. Tw hours credit. Fall semester and summer session. A vrogram for teaching. A practical study of problems of teach- ing on the elementary, secondary, anc collegiate levels, including c*nsideration of assumptions regarding the nature of society, the psychclogical nature of the learner, the nature of subject matter, the covering-end for teaching, the criteria for choice of subject matter, and the criteria for choice of methed. Ina term paper each student will work cut a unit in his own teaching field, exemplifying accepted principles, Prerequisite, the Fundamentals Groups. Bayles. 261. Modern Teaching Precedures II. Two hours credit. S»ring semester anc sumer session. A comparative study of modern teaching theories. A compari- son of progressive, specific objectivist, essentialist, and pragmatic theories of teaching, with special emphasis on practical implications. It is hoped, thougn not required, that course 260 will precede this course. Prerequisite, the Funda- mentals Group. Bayles. 262. Philosophy of Education. Two hours credit. Fall and summer. An analysis of educational objectives and practices in the light of the facts of diology, psychology, and sociclogy. Prerequisite, the Fundamentals Group. Schwegler- 263. Comparative Education. Two hours credit. Spring and Summer. Influ- ence of industrial and social ideals 2n educational systems. Comparis-n cf svandards and values. A critical study of typical foreign countries with refer- ence to the organization, administration, supervision, financing, and curricula of public educati nal instituti-ns—-elementary, secondary, anc higher. Pre- coquisite, the Fundamentals Group. Twente. 277-377. Special Fields cf Study in Educational Theory and Philosophy. Two to six hours credit. Both semesters and summer. The following special fields of study are presented for those students wh» wish tc pursue more intensively varicus aspects of this area, This list is sugsestive but net all inclusive: A. Generalized methods and techniques -f teaching, or methods and tech- niques in specialized subject matter fields. B. Organization of courses for teachine rurposes. C. Theories cf teaching cr of Educaticn in general, including historical development. D. National systems of educaticn, inclucings historical development. E. Specific philoscphical approaches to Education, or the philcsorhical implications of specific Educational practices. F. Stucies cf stated Educational cbjectives, their social, psych lssical. and philesophical implicati-ns, and their probable »utc’mes in practice. G. Detailed study of special philosophical aprr aches t> educatisn -- John Dewey, Bode, Pestalozzi, Freebel. Prerequisite for 277, the Fundamentals Group and satisfactory completicn oF course credit in Theory and Philosophy; for 377, 15 hours cf Educaticn and satisfactory completion fo course credit in educational theory end vhilosophy. Staff. 378. Seminar in Educational Theory and Philosophy. Maximum of 2 credit hours, Prerequisite, vermissien of an instructor. staff. 379. Thesis in Educational Thesry and Philosophy. Credit t> be arranged, Prerequisite, permission cf an instructor, Staff. ~ page eight -