V. EVALUATION 280, Measurement in Modern Education. Two hours credit. Fall and summer. Critique of the inadequacies of traditional testing in elementary and high schools, developments and functions of measurement in education, construction and appraisal of instruments of measurement, and limitations and neglected aspects. of measure- ment which call for improvement. Emphasis is given to the comprehensive character of a measurement program and practice is provided in selecting, administering and scoring tests in various subjects, and in the analysis and presentation of test- ing results. Prerequisite, the Fundamentals Group. OBrien. 281. Application and Interpretation of Measurement. Two hours credit. Spring and summer, Provides students with a broad concept of measurement, in- cluding physical, mental, academic, financial, social, aptitude, personality, and other outcomes or aspects of the school and its program. Students may con- sider the types of evidence needed and the uses_to be made of such evidence in the appraisal of a pupil, a program, or a school and may then undertake such projects as individual diagnoses, remedial programs or school surveys. They = use measures of achievement, ability and aptitude in relation to various school problems such as guidance, ability grouping and experimental efforts to improve instruction or school facilities. Prerequisite, the Fundamentals Group. OBrien. 282. Statistical Methods. Two hours credit. Fall and summer. The use and interpretation of statistical methods in education. Training in the simp- ler statistical calculations using educational data. Critical evaluation of statistical techniques in relation to typical educational research procedure. Prerequisite, the Fundamentals Group. Turney. 283. Methods of Educational Research. Two hours credit. Spring and summer. An introduction to scientific method in education. A study of the more important techniques used in educational research such as documentary, survey, experimental, case study, and genetic methods. Procedures in the analysis and interpretation of data. Preparation of research reports. Pre- requisite, the Fundamentals Group. Turney. 297-397. Special Fields of Study in Evaluation. Two to six hours credit. Both semesters and summer. The following special fields of study are presented for those students who wish to pursue more intensively various aspects of the evaluation area, This list is suggestive but not all inclusive: A. Advanced and applied statistical techniques B. Research techniques in relation to educational problems C. Problems in measurement in specific secondary or elementary school areas, such as, individual subject fields, aptitude and personality testing, etc. — page nine -