UNDERGRADUATE STUDY IN EDUCATION The details of the requirements set for the professional degree sf Bachelor of Science in Education, and for the University Teacher's Diploma are described fully in Sectien I of the catalogue. Undergraduate students doing work in Education will observe the following regulations: a. Candidates for the degree of B. S. in Education will begin their professional work in Education with the introductery courses described below as the Fundamentals Group. They will select their ether professional courses in conference with the Education Adviser. b. All candidates for the University Teacher's Diploma will present all their courses, both academic and professional, to an Education adviser for approval, c. In addition to the strictly graduate courses (numbered 300 or above) the following Education courses are not open for credit to students registered in the College of Liberal arts and Science: A2, Al54, A158, A180, Ml, Mia, MLO, M1l, M12, M21, M5la, M52a, M6éla, M62a, M74, M79, M96a, M296, M273, P35, P4O, $195. Prerequisite Introductory Courses The Fundamentals Group is prerequisite to all other Education courses. The group consists of the following courses: A50. Introduction to School administration (required), 2 hours. P50. Educational Psychology (required), 3 hours. Any two of the following three courses: E50. Introduction to Educational Measurement, 2 hours, H64. Survey cf American Education, 2 hours. S5<. Elements of Educational Sociology, 2 hours, Undergraduate and Specialized Courses Fundamentals Group A50, INTRODUCTION TO SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION, Two hours credit. Both semes- ters. The theory and practice of the administration of schools, outside of the classroom, with special referece to the legal, financial, and social background involved, The Kansas school laws are covered in this course. This course is one of the required components of the Fundamentals Group. Fee, $1. Chandler, Twente, OBrien, P50. EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY. Three hours credit. Both semesters, Re- quired of all candidates for the three-year certificate, This course is one ef the Fundamentals Group, It may be elected separately by students who for any reastn are debarred from Fundamentals Group, The nature, variation, and cor— relation among human capacities; factors involved in learning; conditions of learning; problems of transfer in learning. Prerequisite, General Psychology, including laboratory, Fee, $1. Turney, Nash, Schwegler #50, INTRODUCTION TO EDUCATIONAL MEASUREMENTS. Two hours credit. Both semesters, One of the elective elements ef the Fundamentals Group. An intro- ductory study of the classroom measurement of ability and achievement. The construction of tests, the distribution of marks, the principles of test inter-— pretation, Fee, $1. Althaus. H64. A SURVEY OF AMERICAN EDUCATION, Two hours credit. Both semesters. A careful review cf the development of present-day educational practice, The field will be covered with special reference to the development of public scheels ——primary, secondary, and collegiate, This ceurse is one of the elective com- ponents of the Fundamentals Group. i Bayles, . Be o =f /, a , roe