Fie a a sR ee ee ee a ee Ea : dl q 4 ae Lattt. Cech, Gecko =. A CLR BY, /94/ , My. AC Ub Greed tere , ae. bag SIE S Ae Metra mee accrte facoy pee ep tS a pa i Seah ag oe 4 ee — Ll = te ey May 9th, 1941 Mies Ruth Baker lakeview Public Schools Battleereek, Michigan Dear Ruth: I fully intended to answer your very good letter of Februsry 24th, much sooner, but my basketball season, which has been very strenuous has kept me on a twenty-four-hour schedule, it seems, end I failed to answer the same. 4nd to, I saw you and your sister as you here here for . the Easter vacation last month. Of course that was just e “hello” and “goodbye” greeting as + was coaching and did not get en opportunity to talk with you. “id yeu get the Antioch Gollege job? I will be happy to know the results : _ I have passed through your little town, Lebe, on an average of once or twice a week. This has happened now for six weeks. I can tell the location of every redetop building in the town. With best wishes for your continued success, I am, ere Sincerely yours, oN Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. POA SRC February 22, 1941 My. Adrian J. Brennan Aetna Casualty and Surety Company Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Dear Mr, Brennan: I am very happy to have your letter of the 17th instant and to know that at least your family is straightened out, they are all well and that | you are hitting on all eight cylinders, I assure you you are entirely welcome for the tickets and I am sorry indeed that you did not get to use them, I had expected to go out to the Clinic at the Garden but took 111 right after luncheon with a high fever and a splitting headache, so when I attended the game that night I was not thinking or secing very clearly. Bobby Allen had been in bed for two days with the flu and the rest of the boys were either convalescing from it or taking it. I am sending you a carbon copy of a letter that I have received — from Mr, Dudley &, DeGroot which shows you that we had the flu, but we did not alibi over our defeats, I too am sorry that we did not have a chance to visit with you and your good family, It was not the sickness over the game that spoiled our after-game visit, but the flu had taken me completely and I was feeling like heck, You tell Kevin thet I too am disappointed we did not have a chance to visit, Personally, I do not care so mch shout getting licked because I have been licked a good many times before, I did dislike to meet the fellows when our team was sick because we had lost four of our regulars from last year and we needed all the power that we micht master, The boys ere under=sized and with their illness it mde them an easy prey for most any ball club, 3 I trust if you ever come West you will pay us a visit, We would be happy to see you, If we come East we will get in touch with you, With all good wishes, I am, — Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Poaste Varsity Basketball Coach @ THE AZTNA CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT Ar Er AtT Ee Or: : AZTNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY THE AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COMPANY PITTSBURGH OFFICE THE STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY W. H. OSBORN, MANAGER VAL E. SCHOTT, ASSISTANT MANAGER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BUILDING ATLANTIC 9000 PITTSBURGH, PA. February als 1941 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Athletics University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: I have started a letter to you on several occasions, each time however ending up by either not finishing it or not sending it. From the time you were in New York right up to the present moment I have either been out on the road or between sickness at home | and work so tied up that it has been impossible to get a message to you.. I am here for a day, and I am taking advantage of the facilities of the office to write you at last. Thank you for remembering to leave tickets for us. Unfortunately, we did not get them until after the game because of the fact that oe ot] we did not return to the hotel following the Clinic at the Garden. That is why I did not thank you when we were talking to you in the Qe grrr Garden. In ali probability you did think it rather queer when I tr id not say something, but this will explain to your satisfaction, hope, why no mention of it was made to you. regret very much, indeed, that we did not have an opportunity to sit down and spend a little time with you, but I sort of missed you ‘every time I tried to place a finger on you. Mrs. Allen was very gracious, indeed, and I appreciated so much her efforts to get us together. Sunday morning we were called out very early; and when we returned, you and the boys were just taking cabs for the station. Kevin was hughly disappointed as he had looked ahead for a meeting with you for a great many years. I enjoyed the game, however, al- : though again I was hughly disappointed when the boys lost. Apparently they found out to their entire satisfaction that New York is a very large city and that after a day or two on the sidewalks they do not feel very much like playing basketball. I have been following you as usual and note that you are having your usual success. Please keep me in mind, and whenever you have a few Dr. Forrest C. Allen -2- February 17, 1941 minutes I will be glad to hear from you and in particular I will be very happy to have you stop in any time that you have occasion to be anywhere in the vicinity of Hartford. Please remember me to Mrs. Allen and to your children; and once more let me thank you for your thoughtfulness not only in writing to me prior to reaching New York, but in thinking of me regarding tickets for the game. C.. aq Act February 14, 1941 Mere Yan Bruner Lawrence Laundry & Rry Cleaners 1001 New Hampshire lawrence, Kanses Dear Vane Dean Nesmith has just come into the office and says the basketball trousers are not | Some are too big in the legs; some are teo big in the hips; and some are larger in the band than in the hips, I thought it would be best to write and tell you we are dissatisfied with the worke We would appreciate it if you would correct the size of the trousers for uSe Sincerely yours, Pirector of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach FOAsig February 15, 1941 Miss Florence Black 209 Frank Strong University of Yansas Dear Mise Blacks Thank you very much for your communication of the 13th instent, advising me as to the modus operandi of the Alumi Interests Comittee. I will hold myself in readiness subject to your - @al1 or subject to the request of Fred Ellsworth as Alumni Seeretarye Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Mducation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach | FCAglg COLLEGIATE BASKETBALL OFFICIALS BUREAU CENTRAL OFFICE FOR EASTERN INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS a ; BILTMORE HOTEL, NEW YORK CITY ASA S. BUSHNELL o Director : February 4, 1941 - ‘ University of Kansas A. A. oo Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog: This will sicawieaen with thanks the receipt of your letter of January 20. Your recommendation of Dudley DeGroot of Rochester has been ee read with interest, and is greatly appreciated. I have had ee other favorable estimates of DeGroot, and gather from them oo and from your own comments thet he is an wusually capable eas basketball official. The present field of the Bureau's activities is not such as to make any resident of Rochester readily available for use. However, our territory is expanding and it is not unlikely that before long we will be in position to make it feasible eee to call upon DeGroot for officiating service. You may be sure aoe that he will be kept in mind in the interim, and that he will oe be given full consideration at the earliest possible moment. It was a pleasure to see you on the occasion of your recent visit to New York, and I am hopeful that when you are next here you will make a point of constituting the Central Office one of your points of call. With best regards, I am, Singerely yours, Asa S. Bushnell ae ASB:JOL ire He Roo Bartle Tand Bank Building famsas City, Missouri Dear Roes I am sorry that when you dropped in to see me I had @ class, It seems as if we can never mike comectionse Sonedey I am coming into see you and I ee Pe ae be Seater fo fink teen T tee | I kuow that you are a traveling eniseary of good will and it would be difficult to find you, but. I em still going to buy you that imech that is long overduée _i appreviate your stopping in to see nee With kindest personal regards, I am, Sincerely yours, Director of teatont Bdueation and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach Mire JeDe Rittel Irving, Kansas Dear Mr,» Bittels Ta reply te your card of January 9 regarding the proper stance for shooting two handed field goals, may we suggest the boxers stances | I an wondering if my text, Better ee is available in your high school librarys will give you much valuable information regarding basketball, Better Basketball contmins 168 action photographs and 56 diagrams of plays, together with | information on training and conditioning, treatment of athletic injuries, bandaging, emergencies, and so forths The cost of the text is $4eCO parcel post prepaide i would be glad to autograph a copy for you upon receipt — of a check or money order for $4,006 Better Basketball “may also be purchased fron most any sporting goods house or from the “e8reweHill Book Companye : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach Dre Fe Ce Alien Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Irving, Kansas a January 9, 1940 Dear Mr. Allen: The members of our High School Basketball fPeam would like to know the proper stance for shooting two handed féeld goals, that is your idea of the proper stance. Yours . Ptsrtpel "sina, Kansas Member of team Ure Willien Bryan Box 11é Piereston, Indiana Near Coach Bryans i am sorry that I neslected to answer your good letter of January 11 sooners I notice that you played in the Tournament on January 17 | Your letter became misplaced in a stack of some old unanswered correspondence and I failed to dig it out in time to be of any service to yous Please write me and tell me hew you got alonge Lam anxious to imows I hope that you were successfule Sineerely yours, Direstor of Physica} Education and Recreation Varsity Basketball Coach WILLIAM BRYAN BOX 116 PIERCETON, INDIANA Jan. 11,1840 Forrest Allen Lawrence , Kansas Dear Coach; I judge you are very busy as are all we coaches. I wonder if you in your routine could give me some infamation on tourney meals. I have been in your coaching school at Springfield for 2 weeks and heard you and tal ked witzh you at Fort Wayne, Ind. when there at our institute. I have been using one of your ideas on mamma our deferse very successively. Last year we won 19 6f 20 schedulal games and we just won our 13th straight lest evening for this year. : My boys had some illness the last two timesin tournememntes, I thought , hwwever their diet might cause us toslow down, Could you give ime some suggestions as to what you would do as to time of eating and what to eat.We play in a tourney Jan. 17 at 2:00 P.M. then again at 9:00 P.M, Then on Sat, Jan, 18 we play at 3:00 P.M. and again at 8:00 P.M. What hours would you eat the noon and eveni»g meal at on Jan. 17th. What would you suggest between mpmkmscmegiees games on Jan. 18 and what time? ' That is a lot of trouble to you but if you aren,t flooded with other inquries and you have time to suggest something I shall feel very grateful. I always medntion you and your teams and your clean living to each team! umm coach. Best of luck in ywr conference ggain. Yincerely, Wm. V. Bryan P erceton H gh Sh ool “each WPT Oager a ~ ‘Whe will Be. 1941 Camis High School Basketball Chane ? > elec (ey WARSAW.......... pen Friday, 4 p. m. ae 2 ‘NORTH WEBSTER...... |-——--_—— / LEESBURG... ae oe , th marly, * F riday, 7 p. m. / 2 gL yPOOr.. Ge ae o 7 sea ee t MILPORD..._.....------ nanan harley, 9p. m. et ee h & y SILVER LAKE-...-.----- | Py ye ft Saturday, 2 p. m. ‘Saturday, 8 p. m. Friday, 9 p. m. | | (2. BENA GRVEN........-... ‘alain Feder 9p we =, One of my boosters marked this a Gre i + ed to me. Mree Philip S. Babcock White Plains, New York Dear Mrs. Babeocks / : Your letter addressed to Mr» Charles A. Galloway, 729 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, Zansas, was handed to me lest night ata conference between Mr. Galloway and myself af the Lawrence Comtry Clube We had a Board of Direetors meeting, and after the meeting Mre Galloway asked if I would contact your son, Philip, with the hope that I could be of some benefit to hime 2 : {am leaving today on a speaking engagement and will not get to see Philip wtil Monday mornings At that time I will endeavor to have a conference with him and do everything possible to help hin help himself. I do not have the pleasure of Philip's acquaintance, but through my thirty yeare experience in coaching athletic teams and as head ef the Department of Physical Education in various institutions, i have learned to lnow young men pretty well. . oe If yeu will pardon a personal reference, I might say that we have three song.of our own, three daughters of our own, and three grandchildren ef our own, and none of them were adopted. So we have some knowledge of youngsters. ve as My purpose in doing this has been at the request of Mre Galloway, who said that he felt an inadequacy in doing the best possible job for you and felt as if I might doa little better jobe I am not sure at all that I can do such & job, but I promise you that I will do my very best and you will hear from me as socn as I have hed a conference with Mro Hitt and with your sam, Philips You may rest assured that it is always a pleasure for me to contact young men and endeavor to aid them in any way possible. Sincerely yours, 7 Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCAslg | Varsity Basketball Coach ‘PeSe I just found out that Mr. Hitt will be out of town this weekend, but I will be able to see him on Mondays cco# Mre Chase Galloway : Dec. 16, 1940 Dre Allens I called Mr. Hitt about the Babcock boy and this is what he reports:: Mrse Babcock wrote the Registrar's office and asked to be notified from time to time how her son, Philip, was getting alonge At midsemester Mr. Hitt. wrote her and stated that Philip was low in some, of his coursese Mrse Babcock immediately wired Philip and Mr. Hitt today received a — letter from her. Mr. Hitt feels that the more people there are working with the boy, the more he can be helped, and he feels that perhaps you ean help quite a bite Mre Hitt said he would like to talk to you and perhaps give you some background before you talk to @ome- P Vil. lg Desenber 14, 1940 I am leaving for Marysvilfe and pointe north, but will keep you advised just what progress we mekea : 3 You ean comt on my taking care of thige : Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Reereation Varsity Basketball Coach MArlg eS 5 Le (hf wv Kee SS 89 Orley ee HAs a ee ue 7 rr ° MRS. PHILIP S. BABCOCK CAMBRIDGE GARDENS SAL. — tr Se ai Le Be WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK 74 ok ee eile Re pad, Ae atin bo & oe tee Gite: ee ee eT Mt : Oo Se0 ated a ee remy ty A te i eee" . FLL geen Ta | | I aly Hemi, Jo, dew he een ee [kits ache, ott) whew kad ort, bare Wy face. rect frtls, | tds poe Ae Ce Good “0 hee (2 fa eee Oe ey fated. FULD ghebgotl dt Hl. wf ee J fit wher