February 22, 1941 My. Adrian J. Brennan Aetna Casualty and Surety Company Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Dear Mr, Brennan: I am very happy to have your letter of the 17th instant and to know that at least your family is straightened out, they are all well and that | you are hitting on all eight cylinders, I assure you you are entirely welcome for the tickets and I am sorry indeed that you did not get to use them, I had expected to go out to the Clinic at the Garden but took 111 right after luncheon with a high fever and a splitting headache, so when I attended the game that night I was not thinking or secing very clearly. Bobby Allen had been in bed for two days with the flu and the rest of the boys were either convalescing from it or taking it. I am sending you a carbon copy of a letter that I have received — from Mr, Dudley &, DeGroot which shows you that we had the flu, but we did not alibi over our defeats, I too am sorry that we did not have a chance to visit with you and your good family, It was not the sickness over the game that spoiled our after-game visit, but the flu had taken me completely and I was feeling like heck, You tell Kevin thet I too am disappointed we did not have a chance to visit, Personally, I do not care so mch shout getting licked because I have been licked a good many times before, I did dislike to meet the fellows when our team was sick because we had lost four of our regulars from last year and we needed all the power that we micht master, The boys ere under=sized and with their illness it mde them an easy prey for most any ball club, 3 I trust if you ever come West you will pay us a visit, We would be happy to see you, If we come East we will get in touch with you, With all good wishes, I am, — Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation Poaste Varsity Basketball Coach @