Copy of Confidential Communication to the Appointment Secretary . : Stanford University, Calif. ; August 22, 1939 I have had the opportunity to become closely acquainted with Mr. Shirley R. Hukle. I regard him © as an intelligent, capable, conscientious student. He has always cooperated to the fullest extent. He is a very quiet and reserved individual who reveals a pleasant, cheerful personality upon close acquaintance. I regard him as a person of excellent eharacter and high ideals. He has a splendid background in both physical education and hygiene from the University of Kansas and Stanford University. He possesses a wealth of experience in practieally all activities and phases of physical education. In my opinion, Mr. Hukle is well prepared by training and experience to teach or to administer a high school or college physical education programe . A. A. Esslinger | Assistant Professor of Hygiene and Physical Education Stanford University 10-16-39 EAB This confidential information should not be shown to the candidate