September 26, 1940 Dean. Re Ae Schwesler School of Education University of Kansas Dear Dean Schweglers T an vory happy to have you oall our attention to the wooden steps south of the Gymmasium buildings I have spoken to Mre Dell Davi ir | : and he does a pretty good job of it with the material that he has to work withe Personally, I have a: this was a matter the Buildings and Grounds Department were to keep up, but for years we have been doing this ourselves. I am wondering if a letter from you to Ur. Bayles would not help the matter. Naturally the wooden lumber rots out and our budget does not permit spending the money necessary to install the proper steps for safety and looks that harmonize with the goneral University building upkeep, I am sending you a carbon copy of a letter that T have written to Mrs Bayles and trust that you can augnent uy letter with a suggestion to hime : Sincerely yoursy fe Hi i i i | _ Director of Physical Education and Recreation FAslg Varsity Basketball Coach