EARLE G. BROWN, M. D. COMMISSIONER BOARD OF HEALTH BENJAMIN R. ALLISON, M. D. c M HAIRMAN WILLIAM H. RUNCIE, M. D. RICHARD DERBY, M. D. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER MRS GENESTA M. STRONG REV. ARTHUR B. KINSOLVING, 2nD CHARLES NELSON DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ; BAR BUILDING. MINEOLA, N.Y. December 16th, 1940. Dr. Forrest ©. Allen, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Doctor Allen: Your letter of November 27th, was most welcome. I knew that you would have a busy schedule when you came east but nevertheless I could not resist writing you to see if it might be possible for you to come out and talk to our Kiwanis Club. I am wondering whether or not you would have the time to come out and pay us a short visit on Friday the 27th, or if you could the next morning. I am presuming that your time will be well taken up but we would like to show you some of Nassau County. Mineola is approximately 45 minutes from the Pennsylvania Railroad Station. by Long Island Railraod. It was interesting to hear of your family. I know of course, that Milton was in law school and also that Bob had made a star basketball player. I note that he is considering both Harvard and Minnesota medical colleges and an wondering ~ if by any chance he might consider Northwestern. Naturally, I am partial to Northwestern and would be delighted with the opportunity to recommend him to the school authorities if he should wish to apply there. Josephine is a junior at Duke and will be home next Satur- day for her Christmas vacation. She has been very active in the school work and this year is President of the Y. W. C. A. She wrote us that membership dues in the Y. for this year were in excess of $700. as compared with only $400. for the last school year. She is a Delta-Gemma and of course, gets a big kick out of that.