cas ide Tv. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE UNIVERSITY TEACHER'S DIPLOMA GENERAL TRAINING: The requirements for a degree from the School of Education, the College, the School of Business, the School of Engineering, or the Graduate School. The average scholarship level must be not less than 1.1 grade points; the level of the work done in the major subject must be at least 1.5 grade points, and credit for not less than 124 hours of work must be submitted. SELECTED COLLEGE COURSES (for freshmen and sophomores): Sociology, Economics, Political Science, or History, not less than 5 hours Principles of Speech 2 hours General Psychology, including laboratory 5 hours PROFESSIONAL COURSES: Fundamentals of Education Group 9 hours The Teaching of the Special Subject (teacher's course) 3 hours Supervised Teaching 4 hours Additional Education courses to make a total of 15 semester hours, exclusive of supervised teaching. A MINOR (in addition to the major prescribed by the school in which candidate is enrolled, a minor of 20 hours selected from the follow- ing) : A. English (English Language and Literature, Speech and Dramatic Art, and Journalism): At least 5 hours of Rhetoric. Not less than 15 hours in one of the three departments named. B. Foreign Language (Ancient Languages, Germanic Languages, and Romance Languages): Twenty hours in any one language. C. Mathematics (Mathematics): Fifteen hours in Mathematics in ad- dition to two units of high school work in mathematics. The remainder in the following departments: Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Geology. D. Biological Science (Bacteriology, Botany, Entomology, Physiol- - ogy, and ZoBlogy): At least 12 hours in some one department and not more than 15 hours in any department. A maximum of 5 hours of Physical Science may be presented, E. Physical Science (Chemistry, Geology and Mineralogy, Physics and Astronomy): At least 12 hours in some one department and not more than 15 hours in any department. A maximum of 5 hours of Biological Science may be presented. F. Social Science (Economics, History,.Political Science, and Soci- ology): At least 10 hours in History and 5 hours in Political Seience. Not more than 15 hours in either Economics, Political Science, or Sociology. Twenty hours may be taken in the History Department. -G. Philosophy and Psychology (Philosophy and Psychology): At least 10 hours in Philosophy and Psychology. The remainder in Eco- nomics, Political Science, and Sociology, or in Zotlogy, Anat- omy, and Physiology.