Mree Philip S. Babcock White Plains, New York Dear Mrs. Babeocks / : Your letter addressed to Mr» Charles A. Galloway, 729 Massachusetts Street, Lawrence, Zansas, was handed to me lest night ata conference between Mr. Galloway and myself af the Lawrence Comtry Clube We had a Board of Direetors meeting, and after the meeting Mre Galloway asked if I would contact your son, Philip, with the hope that I could be of some benefit to hime 2 : {am leaving today on a speaking engagement and will not get to see Philip wtil Monday mornings At that time I will endeavor to have a conference with him and do everything possible to help hin help himself. I do not have the pleasure of Philip's acquaintance, but through my thirty yeare experience in coaching athletic teams and as head ef the Department of Physical Education in various institutions, i have learned to lnow young men pretty well. . oe If yeu will pardon a personal reference, I might say that we have three song.of our own, three daughters of our own, and three grandchildren ef our own, and none of them were adopted. So we have some knowledge of youngsters. ve as My purpose in doing this has been at the request of Mre Galloway, who said that he felt an inadequacy in doing the best possible job for you and felt as if I might doa little better jobe I am not sure at all that I can do such & job, but I promise you that I will do my very best and you will hear from me as socn as I have hed a conference with Mro Hitt and with your sam, Philips You may rest assured that it is always a pleasure for me to contact young men and endeavor to aid them in any way possible. Sincerely yours, 7 Director of Physical Education and Recreation FCAslg | Varsity Basketball Coach ‘PeSe I just found out that Mr. Hitt will be out of town this weekend, but I will be able to see him on Mondays cco# Mre Chase Galloway :