3. 6. TWO-YEAR ELEMENTARY CERTIFICATE: SIXTY HOUR CURRICULUM A two-year renewable certificate valid in elementary schools may be issued to the applicant who in addition to having completed a four-year high school course of study or the equivalent, has secured not less than sixty semester hours of credit in an accredited college, provided an official transcript of the college record shows the following credit: Sem. Hrs. Sem. Hrs Psy chology rs) Health Ed.: Personal Hygiene Methods of Teaching Elemen- and Community Health 3 tary School Subjects 5 Playground Activities e Observation & Participation 5 Essentials of Reading 5 English: Prin. of Composition 6 Elementary School Music 2-5 Children's Literature 2 Elementary School Art 2-5 Prin. of Geography 3 Elective 20 Social Science or Social | TOTAL 60-62 Studies 3 7, NORMAL TRAINING CERTIFICATE -- valid in Kansas Elementary schools for two- year period That normal-training teachers! certificates may be issued by the State Board of Education to graduates from normal training courses in high schools and academies accredited for this purpose by the State Board of Education. Said certificates shall be valid in elementary schools in the state in which the student graduates from high school, for a period of two years and upon the payment of a fee of one dollar which shall be turned into the county in- stitute fund, may be indorsed in other counties, at the option of the county superintendent to whom application is made, and shall be renewable by the State Board of Education, at their expiration, for successive two-year periods if the applicant shall furnish to the State Board of Education evidence of successful teaching experience, and shall have met such other requirements as the State Board of Education may prescribe. Rulings on Renewing Normal Training Certificate: A. Thirty-two weeks' successful teaching experience. B. Eight semester hours of college credit from an accredited college or university of which at least five semester hours' credit must be residence credit. College credit unused for previous renewals may be presented. C, County superintendent's report on professional attitude, reading circle work, attendance at county institutes and teachers' meetings. Thirty semester hours credit from an accredited college or university will be accepted in lieu of teaching experience, reading circle work, and attend- ance at teachers! meetings, for the renewal of the certificate. Renewal requirements must be met during the two-year period the certifi- cate is valid. 8. CERTIFICATES ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF EXAMINATIONS CONDUCTED IN COUNTIES See Section 7, Senate Bill 68