_ 4, TWO-YEAR ELEMENTARY CERTIFICATE--RENEWABLE REQUIREMENTS EFFECTIVE UNTIL JUNE 30, 1938 A two-year certifigate valid in elementary schools may be issued to the applicant who in addition to graduation from an accredited four-year high school has completed a two-year course of not less than SIXTY semester hours of credit in an accredited college, provided an official transcript of the college record shows the following credit: 3 semester hours Generel or Introductory Psychology 3 . " General Methods of Teaching 3 " " Classroom Management 3 . " Supervised Practice Teaching (or three years of full-time teaching experience under regular contract) and provided that at least 6 semester hours credit has been secured in resi- dence in a Kansas college, and that not more than 20 semester hours credit is presented from correspondence and extension courses. Not more than 15 semester hours credit from one department such as music, home economics, English, education, etc., should be presented as part of the sixty semester hours credit required for the certificate. Requirements for renewal not yet established by State Board of Ed. 10/1/37 REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATES ISSUED ON THIRTY AND SIXTY HOUR CURRICULUMS It is expected that teacher training institutions recommending students for state certificates shall have established selection techniques to the end that only those students shell be endorsed and recommended for certification who have shown in their previous record definite scholastic interests and aptitudes, satisfactory personality traits, and physical fitness. Before completing the curriculum leading to an elementary school certificate, the ° student shall have a mastery of the fundamental tools of learning which shall include the fundamental operations of arithmetic; the ability to read silently at a satis-— factory rate; and a reasonable degree of proficiency in penmanship and spelling 5. TWO-YEAR ELEMENTARY CERTIFICATE: THIRTY HOUR CURRICULUM A two-year certificate valid in elementary schools may be issued to the applicant who, in addition to having completed a four-year high school course of study or the equivalent, has secured not less than thirty semester hours credit in an accredited college, provided an official transcript of the col- lege record shows the following credit: Sem. Hrs. sem. Hrs. Psy chology 3 Social Science or Social Methods of Teaching Elemen- _ Studies 5 tary School Subjects 5 Health Ed.: Personal Hygiene Observation & Participation 2 and Community Health Soe English: Prin. of Composition 3 Playground Activities e Children's Literature 2 Elective S Principles of Geography 5 TOTAL 50 The certificate may be renewed at its expiration for a two-year period provided the holder presents fifteen semester hours of college credit secured during the two-year period the certificate is valid.