TEACHERS! CERTEFIiCATIOS SENATE BILL No. 68 —- 19357 SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any district board, board of education, board of trustees of a community high school or other agency controlling any elemen- tary or secondary public school or public junior college in the state of Kansas to issue an order for payment of the salary of any teacher, supervisor or administra— tive officer who does not hold a teacher's, supervisor's or administrative officer's certificate valid in the state of Kansas. ECTION 2. That from and after July 1, 1937, the state board of education shall have exclusive authority to issue teacher's, supervisor's and administrative officer's certificates valid in the state of Kansas except as provided for in 72-1334, 72-1335, 72-1336, 72-1337 of the general statutes of 1955: Provided, That except as provided in section 6 of this act, none of the provisions of this act shall be retroactive in respect to certificates legally issued in this state prior to June 30, 1937, and valid on that date. SECTION 3. That the state board of education is authorized to make rules and regu- lations covering the issuance, renewal, revival and registration of certificates for teachers, supervisors and administrative officers of elementary and secondary public schools in the state of Kansas, including kindergartens, grade schools, junior high schools, high schools, and public junior colleges, except as provided in Sections 72-1309, 72-1334, 72-1335, 72-1336, and 72-1337 of the general statutes of 1935: Provided, That no certificates to teach in the schools of Kansas shall be issued or any permission to take examinations shall be granted unless such per- sons shall be certified by the board of education to have completed a regular four- year high school course, during which time they must have taken an accredited normal training course; or, having completed the high school course, they may take a minimum. of one year's normal training work in an accredited high school, junior college or coltege offering teachers' training course, and accredited for such purpose by the state board of education. SECTION 4. The state board of education, upon being satisfied as to the general qualifications of an applicant to teach, may in its discretion, offer examinations granting leave to teach certain subjects or department work in the schools of this state. Upon application being made by teachers otherwise certified to teach in the schools of the state of Kansas, the state board of education may offer additional special examinations as in its discretion it deems proper to ascertain the special qualifications, adaptations, or ability of an applicant to teach certain subjects or in certain departments of the schools of the state, and may upon being satisfied that such applicant is entitled thereto, issue a special certificate for the purpose. The state board of education is authorized to specify on the face of such certifi- cates issued by said board after this act becomes effective, the subject or subjects that the holder of the certificate is authorized to teach. It shall be unlawful for the holder of a certificate on the face of which is specified the subjects as aforesaid, to teach any subject or subjects not so specified. SECTION 5. No certificate shall be issued by the state board of education for a period of more than two years, except to a person previously certified to teach in the schools of Kansas. To persons having been previously certified for two years, the state board of education upon such rules, conditions, and provisions as it may provide, may renew such certificates for a period not to exceed three years. To