November 3, 1937. Dean R, A, Sehwegler, School of Education. Dear Dean Sehwegler: Z would like to eall your attention to the meeting of the Physical Education majors in the Union Builds ng at 7 o'clock Thursday evening, November 4, The price of the tiekets for the dinner is 40ยข, We would be happy to have come to this meeting if you find it convenient, However, | imagine you are very busy et this time, and if you have to choose between two meetings, I suggest you choose the other meeting. | 7 The Co-op Club is giving a banquet to the footbell team at the Country Club Thursday evening, and they have obtained Mr, E, C, Quigley as chief speeker. This will, of course, cut down to a great degree the attendance at our meeting, but it is getting rather late and we felt that we should have our first organization meeting, at least, and have the officers elected. With all good wishes, I eam Sineerely yours, FCAsAH Director of Physical Education.