Pebruary 25, 1938. I assure you these failures to attend pins tapi: thiceh athlon Uae tee I wanted you to kmow that I am sorrys | Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. ~ cat OFFICE OF THE DEAN THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF EDUCATION LAWRENCE January 21, 1938 Dr. F. C. Allen, Head Department of Physical Education My dear Dr. Allen: Several of the majors in your department have asked for minors which are not provided for in the catalog statement of minors. One or two young men desire a minor in the Department of Economics. At least one young woman wishes a minor in the Department of Sociology. Under the present set-up the only possibility is a minor in social science, which consists of ten hours of history, five hours of political science, and five hours of optional social science. If a request were to reach us that provision be made for minors in line with the desires and needs of your students, the curriculum revision committee could make recommendation to the faculty _ the matter could be approved at an early date. Certain other of your students have expressed dissatisfaction with the set-up for a minor in biological science. If in this instance recommendation were to come from you that the provision for physical education majors be modified in this regard, it could also come before the curriculum revision committee and subsequently the faculty. | The next faculty meeting will take place at two o'clock in Room 115 Fraser on Thursday, January 27. If communication from you could reach us by Monday or Tuesday the matter could be finally approved at that faculty meeting. I shall be glad to hear from you if you wish to make recommendation in the directions indicated. Minors for Physical Education majors: K (1) English - (Hnglish Language and literature, Speech and Dramatic Arts, and / Journal) § hours Rhetoric, at least 10 hours in one of the departments named. The remainder in any of the departments namede (2) Foreign’ I mguage = (Ancient Languages, Germanic languages, Hispanic " 7 ganguages, Romance languages) 20 hours in some one department, | i but may be reduced to minimum of 10 hours by high school work a | dm the =n department, counted at the rate of 5 hours per high oF | school unit. Remainder in any one languages s) Mathematics « (Mathematdes ) 15 hours in mathematics in addition to two —nits in high school work in mathematics. 6 hours in mathemties;— 7 nye chemistry or geology. soiences + (Bacteriology, Botany, Entomology, Physidlogy, ooLlogy, P tenet 20 hours aggregate from any of the departments named * Meximun 5 hours Physical Science may be presented. (5) Physical Science + |(Cheatatey, Geology, Mineralogy, Physics and — aggregate from any of the of 6 howe bhotoctoal sciences may be presented. 3 ences = (neenaninty History, Political Science, Sociology) At | : _ > deast 10 hours history and 5 hours political science. The re- { (5 or 10?) mainder in one of the departments named. | (7) Sociology = (neaniiatile, History, Politdcal Science, Sociology) At least 10 ~ hours in Sociology, 5 hours of history. The remainder in one of the ' (or Pole Sele?) rome te ‘departments named. “sychology = (Philosophy and Psychology) At least 10 hours in hy anc pasaheleets The remainier in Economics, eattaes calatihe and sociology, or in zoology, anatomy and physiology. (9) Home Economies - 20 hours in Home Economics. May be reduced to minimum of T6 hours by high school work in Home Economics counted at rate of 5 hours per high soheol units (10) Fine arte = (itusie, Drawing and Art) sib ss sh edd habe Qemettien, Not technica than he hours in private lessons for development of 18 * (11) Commerce = sala proficiency in stenography, typewriting and computation. -20 hours in the department of Economies. Not less than 5 hours being - from each of the following 3 fields: General Economics, Business AARLAER TERRE A and Accounting. (Omit Philosophy?) (ae) Soarentsie - 5 hours Rhetoric, 10 hours Journalism; 5 hours in Economics, - Bootolegy or Political Sciences nN / What constttubes a minor in rr Education? | Suggestion possible minor in Physical Education <-- / 15 hours in Physical Education and athletics, 5 hours in Physiologye OFFICE OF THE DEAN THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF EDUCATION LAWRENCE January 25, 1938 Dr. F. C. Allen Physical Education Department My dear Dr. Allen: Thank you for sending me a marked copy of The Winged Foot containing your article on the history of basket ball. I have read the article with a good deal of in- terest and find that you have turned out a very creditable piece of work. I shall be happy to see any future articles which you may have pub- lished. Sincerely yours, —, 5 o SSO ret el, * ‘ : EGucation courses recommended for credit in College of Liberal Arts: Te68 Principles of Education 3 nm . Soe Elements of Educational Sociology P50 Educational Psychology P255 Wdental Measurement of School Children P271 The Nontypical Child P276 Mental Hygiene P278 Adolescence P279 Psychology of Moral Education mM NW WW OO E50 Introduction to Educational Measurement E166 Statistical Methods Eebe Educational Measurement Ee7e Supervision of Instruction OW WN ~w ~w H64 Survey of American Education A50 Introduction to School Administration Ae74 Comparative Education ww Be60 Principles of Secondary Education Be6e Curricula of Secondary fducation Be64 Administration of Extra-Curricular Activities WO OW Y56 Vocational Education V58 Vocational Guidance ~w %~w M65 Teaching of stusic in Junior High School M63a Supervised Peaching in Music M64 Teaching of luusic in Senior High Schcol M64a Supervised Teaching in Music M84 Teacning of Speech and Dramatic Art M84a Supervised Teaching in Spsech and Dramatic Art M94 Content and Method of Physical Education M94a Supervised Teaching in Physical Education M165 Theory and Practice of Teaching M281 Teaching of Natural Science M8la Supervised Teaching in Biological Science M99a Supervised Teaching in Physical Science M283 Teaching of Home Economics 83a Supervised Teaching in Home Economics Mé86 Teaching of English M86a Supervised Teaching in English M288 Teaching of French M88a Supervised Teaching in French Me89 Teaching of Mathematics M89a Supervised Teaching in Mathematics M291 Teaching of Social Studies M9la Supervised Teaching in Social Studies M293 Teaching of Spanish M9Sa Supervised are pe Spay se J // ee alee es O a. Submitted by (wo, F. P. OBrien PNR NR oF ® OF CN HR ON BOB ON ON IB OW OF DD AD AD B. A. Nash January 7, 1956 Professor As He Tuney, School of Education, University of Kansas. Ceetivaiitie ar telénbens eeecewtlen of this morning, I will plan to be at your office, 107 Praser Hall, for a discussion meeting of the Senate Advisory Comittee on Athletdos on Wednesday, January 12, at 7880 Pelte Sincerely yours, PCASAH Director of Physical Education. THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE TEACHERS APPOINTMENT BUREAU November thirtieth i 8:2 7: Dr, F. C. Allen Physical Education Department My dear Dr. Allen: - Mr. Chandler has asked me to send you this copy of a report from the special committee on credit for officiating at intra-mural contests. He thought you would like it for your files. Sincerely yours, a at roa Ria etn se gs Se ( COPY) November 22, 1937 To the Administrative Committee: Your special committee on credit for officiating at intra- mural contests begs to make the following report: 1. It appears thet the demand for such credit cannot possibly develop within the next twelve-months period. Consequent- ly, we do not believe that hasty action is required. 2. If practice teaching credit is to be given for such officiating, it will be necessary to schedule the full-time services of a supervisor to cover the time during which the officiating is done. This will mean more supervisory time than is now furnished by the Department of Physical Education. This plan cannot possibly mean, therefore, a financial saving to the department. 3, This committee feels that such officiating could possibly better be handled as pert of a two-hour course in officiating. It could represent one hour of sueh a course, and would be akin to the laboratory phase. It would have to be done under the observation of the instructor in charge of the course, and would furnish the basis for criticism and discussion both during and outside of the class hour which the other hour of eredit for the course would represent. Yours very truly, Signed: fF. 0. Russell E. E. Bayles E. R. Elbel OFFICE OF THE DEAN THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF EDUCATION LAWRENCE December 10, 1937 Dr. Forrest C. Allien Head, Department of Physical Fducation University of Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: I note with very genuine satisfaction that the Admin- istrative Committee of the Graduate School has approved course 174, Tests and Measurements in Physical Education, for graduate credit. It is my earnest hope that this will be but the beginning of an intensive development of your department in the direction of graduate recognition. I am satisfied that we can in the very near future offer a program that will be as sound and stimulating as that of any of the other schools in the Mississippi Valley. I am wondering whether it might not be wise in this con- nection to establish some sort of relationship between the Departments of Physiology and possibly Anatomy and your own department; that is, to develop a relationship that shall be functional to the end that the activities of the departments mentioned shall supplement each other and enable your people to operate with maximum efficiency and minimm waste of time. I shall be glad to talk this over with you at your convenience. Again congratulating you and your group on your achieve- ment, I beg to remain, Sincerely ~~ ! eo Taj 7 ymond A. Schwegler ean g October 4, 1937 TO THE MEMBERS OF THE EDUCATION FACULTY: Please find attached herewith a copy of the new certifi- cation requirements which have been approved by the State Board of Education. Please note that the Board proposes to issue 2a wholly new series of certificates, which will largely replace those currently issued. Since this new development raises the question of desir- able amplifications of offerings here at the University at some near future date and since members of the steff are frequentiy asked for information concerning certifica- tion practice in this state, you are most earnestly asked to familiarize yourself with the new procedure as weil as the old. ; This will enable us to discuss more intelligently the future policy of the School of Education. Sincerely yours, A Raymond A. Schwegler / Dean RAS: Dil TEACHING CERTIFICATES ISSUED IN KANSAS Kansas School Laws Revised 1937 and Regulations of the State Board of Education I. ISSUED BY THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION 7 9 we THREE-YEAR CERTIFICATE---RENEWABLE FOR LIFE A three-year certificate renewable for life, valid in any school may be issued to the applicant who holds the B.A., B.S., B.S. in Educ., B.Ped., or B.Ph. degree from an accredited four-year coilege, provided an official transcript of the college record shows the following credit: 4 semester hours General or Introductory Psychology S , " Educational Psychology o r ” Supervised Practice Teaching (or three years of full- time teaching experience under regular contract) . " School Organization, Administration, and Kansas School 4 " etective in Education Law* ie LIFE CERTIFICATE -—- valid in any Kansas school The life certificate will be granted at the expiration of the three- year certificate provided the holder shall have taught successfully at least two of the years the three-year certificate is valid; or the certi- ficete may be renewed for a three-year period on less than two years of teaching experience. TWO-YEAR SPECIAL CERTIFICATE—-RENEWABLE REQUIREMENTS EFFECTIVE UNTIL JUNE 30, 1338 A special certificate valid in any school for a two-year period for teaching such subjects as music, art, physical education, industrial arts, home economics, and commerce may be issued to the applicant who, in addition to having completed a four-year high school course of study or the equivalent, has secured 120 semester hours credit from an accredited college, provided an official transcript of the college record shows the following credit: 40 semester hours from general cultural courses such as: English, language, social science, biological science, physical science, psychology, mathematics. 18 semester hours credit in Psychology and Education which must include: 5 semester hours General or Introductory Psychology 5 e " Eaucational Psychology rs) ” " Supervised Practice Teaching (or three years of full- time teaching experience under regular contract) x ” "School Organization, Administration, and Kansas School Law* t . " Elective in Uducetion 65 semester hours credit, not fewer than 40 of which must be in the subject or department designated in the certificate. For the Special Music Certificate, the applicant mist present 6 semester hours credit in Public School iMusic Methods. : Requirements for renewal not yet established by State Board of Ed. 10/1/37 *The two semester hours credit from the course "School Organization, Administration, and Kansas School Law" must be secured from a Kansas college, and may be secured through correspondence work in one of the Kansas state schools, 4, TWO-YEAR ELEMENTARY CERTIFICATE--RENEWABLE REQUIREMENTS EFFECTIVE UNTIL JUNE 30, 1938 A two-year certificate valid in elementary schools may be issued to the applicant who in addition to graduation from an aceredited four-year high school has completed a two-year course of not less than SIXTY semester hours of credit in an accredited college, provided an official transcript of the college record shows the following credit: 3 semester hours General or Introductory Psychology . " General Methods of Teaching » " Classroom Management . " Supervised Practice Teaching (or three years of full-time teaching experience under regular contract) WN WN OF and provided that at least 6 semester hours credit Has been secured in resi- dence in a Kansas college, and that not more than 20 semester hours credit is presented from correspondence and extension courses. Not more than 15 semester hours credit from one department such as music, home economics, English, education, etc., should be presented as part of the sixty semester hours credit required for the certificate. Requirements for renewal not yet established by State Board of Ed. 10/1/37 REQUIREMENTS FOR CERTIFICATES ISSUED ON THIRTY AND SIXTY HOUR CURRICULUMS It is expected that teacher training institutions recommending students for state certificates shall have established selection techniques to the end that only those students shall be endorsed and recommended for certification who have shown in their previous record definite scholastic interests and aptitudes, satisfactory personality traits, and physical fitness. Before completing the curriculum leading to an elementary school certificate, the student shall have a mastery of the fundamental tools of learning which shall include the fundamental operations of arithmetic; the ability to read silently at a satis-— factory rate; and a reasonable degree of proficiency in penmanship and spelling 5. TWO-YEAR ELEMENTARY CERTIFICATE: THIRTY HOUR CURRICULUM A two-year certificate valid in elementary schools may be issued to the applicant who, in addition to having completed a four-year high school course of study or the equivalent, has secured not less than thirty semester hours eredit in an accredited college, provided an official transcript of the col- lege record shows the following credit: Sem. Hrs. sem. Hrs. Psy chology 3 Social Science or Social Methods of Teaching Elemen- Studies ss) tary School Subjects 3 Health Ed.: Personal Hygiene Observation & Participation ie and Community Health 5 English: Prin. of Composition 43 Playground Activities - Children's Literature e Elective _» Principles of Geography 5 TOTAL 50 The certificate may be renewed at its expiration for a two-year period provided the holder presents fifteen semester hours of college credit secured during the two-year period the certificate is valid. 6. TWO-YEAR ELEMENTARY CERTIFICATE: SIXTY HOUR CURRICULUM A two-year renewable certificate valid in elementary schools may be issued to the applicant who in addition to having completed a four-year high school course of study or the equivalent, has secured not less than sixty semester hours of credit in an accredited college, provided an official transcript of the college record shows the following credit: Sen. Hrs. Psychology Metheds of Teaching Elemen- tary School Subjects Observation & Participation English: Prin. of Composition Children's Literature Prin. of Geography Social Science or Social Studies C8 OO Ww Ww ON Sem. Hrs Health Ed.: Personal Hygiene , and Community Health ss) Playground Activities 2 Essentials of Reading 3 Elementary School Music 2-3 Elementary School Art 2-5 Elective a TOTAL 60-6% 7. NORMAL TRAINING CERTIFICATE -- valid in Kansas Elementary schools for two- year period That normal-training teachners' certificates may be issued by the State Board of Education to graduates from normal training courses in high schools and academies accredited for this purpose by the State Board of Education. Said certificates shall be valid in elementary schools in the state in which the student graduates from high school, for a period of two years and upon the payment of a fee of one dollar which shall be turned into the county in- stitute fund, may be indorsed in other counties, at the option of the county superintendent to whom application is made, and shall be renewable by the State Board of Education, at their expiration, for successive two-year periods if the applicant shall furnish to the State Board of Education evidence of successful teaching experience, and shall have met such other requirements as the State Board of Education may prescribe. Rulings on Renewing Normal Training Certificate: A. Thirty-two weeks' successful teaching experience. B. Eight semester hours of college credit from an accredited college or university of which at least five semester hours! credit must be residence credit. College credit unused for previous renewals. may be presented. C. County superintendent's report on professional attitude, reading circle work, attendance at county institutes and teachers' meetings. Thirty semester hours credit from an accredited college or university will be accepted in lieu of teaching experience, reading circle work, and attend- ance at teachers' meetings, for the renewal of the certificate. Renewal requirements must be met during the two-year period the certifi- cate is valid. 8. CERTIFICATES ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF EXAMINATIONS CONDUCTED IN COUNTIES See Section 7, Senate Bill 68 ii. GRANTED BY KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGES ie LIFE DIPLOMA -- valid in any Kansas common school The diploma conferred by the degree of bachelor of science in education. shall be a life diploma to teach in any of the common schools of the state of Kansas, including elementary and high schools. LIFE CERTIFICATE -- valid in Kansas elementary schools and the junior and the two-year high schools Each person who has completed a standard four-year high school course, approved by said institutions as referred to in Section 1, and who has com- pleted the freshman and sophomore course prescribed by the faculty and approved by the State Board of Administration, shall be entitled to a life certificate to teach in the elementary schools and the junior and two-year high schools of the state of Kansas. THREE-YEAR CERTIFICATE -- valid in Kansas elementary schools for three years Each person who has completed a standard four-year high school course, approved by said institutions as referrec to in Section 1, and who has com- pleted the freshman course as prescribed by the faculty and approved by the State Board of Administration, shall be entitled to a certificate to teach in the schools of the state of Kansas for a period of three years. (L. 1915, ch. 299, sec. 2) (Valid only in elementary schools.) TEACH ER S* CER@iPTt CAT LOR SENATE BILL No. 68 —- 1937 SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for ary district board, board of education, board of trustees of a community high school or other agency controlling any elemen- tary or secondary public school or public junior college in the state of Kansas to issue an order for payment of the salary of any teacher, supervisor or administra- tive officer who does not hold a teacher's, — ? or administrative officer's certificate valid in the state of Kansas. SECTION 2. That from and after July 1, 1937, the state board of education shall have exclusive authority to issue teacher's, supervisor's and administrative officer's certificates valid in the state of Kansas except as provided for in 72-1334, 72-1335, 72-1336, 72-1337 of the general statutes of 1935: Provided, That except as provided in section 6 of this act, none of the provisions of this act shall be retroactive in respect to certificates legally issued in this state prior to June 30, 1937, and valid on that date. SECTION 3. That the state board of education is authorized to make rules and regu- lations covering the issuance, renewal, revival and registration of certificates for teachers, supervisors and administrative officers of elementary and secondary public schools in the state of Kansas, including kindergartens, grade schools, junior high schools, high schools, and public junior colleges, except as provided in Sections 72-1309, 72-1334, 72-1335, 72-1336, and 72-1337 of the general statutes of 1935: Provided, That no. certificates to teach in the schools of Kansas shall be issued or any permission to take examinations shall be granted unless such per- sons shall be certified by the board of education to have completed a regular four- year high school course, during which time they must have taken an accredited normal training course; or, having completed the high school course, they may take a minimum of one year's normal training work in an accredited high school, junior college or colkege offering teachers! training course, and accredited for such purpose by the state board of education. SECTION 4. The state board of education, upon being satisfied as to the general qualifications of an applicant to teach, may in its discretion, offer examinations granting leave to teach certain subjects or department work in the schools of this state. Upon application being made by teachers otherwise certified to teach in the schools of the state of Kansas, the state board of education may offer additional special examinations as in its discretion it deems proper to ascertain the special qualifications, adaptations, or ability of an applicant to teach certain subjects or in certain departments of the schools of the state, and may upon being satisfied that such applicant is entitled thereto, issue a special certificate for the purpose. The state board of education is authorized to specify on the face of such certifi- cates issued by said board after this act becomes effective, the subject or subjects that the holder of the certificate is authorized to teach. It shall be unlawful for the holder of a certificate on the face of which is specified the subjects as aforesaid, to teach any subject or subjects not so specified. SECTION 5. No certificate shall be issued by the state board of education for a period of more than two years, except to a person previously certified to teach in the schools of Kansas. To persons having been previously certified for two years, the state board of education upon such rules, conditions, and provisions as it may provide, may renew such certificates for a period not to exceed three years. To Ge all persons who have been certified as hereinbefore set forth in this section, and who have completed not less than two years of normal training work in some accredited school of the state of Kansas for such purpose, and who meet the other requirements of the state board of education, said board may issue a new certificate to such person for life subject to the rules and regulations as stated in section 72-1344 of the General Statutes of Kansas 1935: Provided, The state board of education may issue teachers! certificates to those persons who have completed the normal train- ing course of study approved by the state board of education. SECTION 6. That the state board of education is empowered to cancel any teacher's, supervisor's or administrative officer's certificate which said board, on satisfac- tory proof, finds to be held by a person of immoral character or otherwise dis- qualified as teacher, supervisor or administrative officer in the public schools. SECTION 7. The state board of education shall provide for the holding of teachers! examinations at county seat towns or any other town within the county which the state board of education may designate throughout the state. The same to be held annually at such county seat towns provided application for examination at the various places shall be filed with the state board of education thirty days prior to the time designated for the holding of examinations, and in all cases where less than ten applications for holding examinations are received, the state board, at its own discretion, may order such applicants transferred to the next nearest local- ity where such examinations are to be held. The examinations so held shall be under an examining committee of three, one of which shall be the county superintend- ent, and the other two, principals or superintendents of schools in the county, the latter two recommended by the county superintendent and appointed by the state board of education. The members of said board recommended by the county super- intendent and appointed by the state board of education shall each receive for their services in holding examinations and grading papers and certifying the grades, the sum of $7.50 per day for the time spent by the said members of said board in holding the examination and in grading papers, the same to be paid by the board of county commissioners in their respective counties: Provided, That before any mem- ber of any board of examination in this state shall receive any compensation they shall file a verified claim therefor with the county superintendent specifying the days and time spent in holding said examination and in examining said papers and certifying the grades therein. Such voucher shall also be approved by the county Superintendent. In conducting the examination, the examining committee shall assign to each applicant a number. The said number, with the applicant's name and the name of the place where the examination is held shall be forwarded to the state board of education. The person writing the examination shall place the said number assigned to him or her, conspicuously at the head of each manuscript. No other designation of authorship of the manuscript shall be permitted. The name of the person to whom said code number belongs shall not be divulged to the parties examining or grading the manuscript, but shall constitute a key in the possession of the state board of education from which it may properly assign the grades under a certain coded number to the person to whom they properly belong. All questions for such examination shall be uniform, and shall be provided and distributed by the state board of education and shall not be opened until the time set for be- ginning the said examination, and must be opened in the presence of the committee conducting the examination, and not otherwise. At the close of the examination, the examining board shall grade all manuscripts and place the grades thereof immed- iately under the code number; and the board shall prepare in behalf of each person taking the examination a certificate in duplicate showing the grades to which each code number is entitled and the recommendation of the examining board in behalf of Ts said code number. One copy of said certificate shall be filed in the office of the county superintendent, and one copy with the examination papers so graded, shall be forwarded immediately to the state office of the state board of education, such papers to be held on file for a period of one year following their receipt by the state board of education. The state board of education shall, within ten days from the receipt of such papers and recommendations, issue teachers' certificates to all persons whose grades and recommendations entitle them thereto. SECTION 8. Nothing herein shall be construed to prohibit the board of education in cities of the first or second class from giving such further examinations to teach- ers to be employed in such cities as the board of education thereof shall deem necessary. SECTION 9. That the board of education in cities of the first and second class, may at such times as they deem expedient, appoint two competent persons who, with the superintendent as chairman thereof, shall be styled the examining committee of the board of education of such city whose duties it shall be to determine all persons who shall apply to them as teachers; and no person except one who now holds a valid certificate or shall hereafter secure a valid certificate from the state board of education, shall be permitted to take such examination. SECTION 10. That each application to the state board of education for certification or renewal shall accompany the application therefor with certain fees as follows: With the application for the first certificate provided for herein, a fee of one dollar; with the application for renewal, or the second certificate provided for herein, a fee of three dollars; and with all other applications for renewals, a fee of three dollars. All such fees shall be deposited by the state board of education with the state treasurer, and such fees are hereby appropriated to the state board of education for the payment of expenses connected with the issuance, renewal, revival or duplication of such certifications, and for the keeping of records by said board. Such expenses shall be paid on warrants drawn by the state auditor, verified and approved by the state superintendent of public instruction. SECTION ll. That sections 72-1301, 72-1302, 72-1303, 72-1304, 72-1305, 72-1308, 7e-1510, 72-1311, 72-1315, 72-1316, 72-1317, 72-1318, 72-1319, 72-1320, 72-1321, 7R-1L322,. 72-1523, 72-1524, 72-1526,. 72-1329, 72-1530, 72-1532, 72-1545, 72-1345, 7e-L350, 72-1351, 72-1352, 72-1353, 72-1354, 72-1355, 72-1609 of the General Statutes of 1935 are nereby repealed. SECTION 12. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after July 1, 1937, and its publication in the statute book. “a BM BM M BM MBM. BM MW 8 + a weW aw Ww w a. ae ~% %% * % a a The following sections of the present certification laws are not repealed: (72-1309) That normal training teachers' certificates may be issued by the state board of education to graduates from normal training courses in high schools and academies accredited for this purpose by the state board of education. Said cer- tificates shall be valid in elementary schools in the state in which the student graduates from high school, for a period of two years and upon the payment of a fee of one dollar which shall be turned into the county institute fund, may be indorsed in other counties, at the option of the county superintendent to whom application is made, and shall be renewable by the state board of education, at their expiration, 8. for successive two-year periods, if the applicant shall furnish to the state board of education evidence of successful teaching experience, and shall have met such other requirements as the state board of education may prescribe. That on the third Friday of May and the succeeding Saturday of each year an examination of applicants for normal training certificates shall be held in the county seat of each county in which there is located one or more accredited normal training high schools under such rules as the state board of education may prescribe. fhis examination shall be conducted by the county board of examiners, each of whom shall receive for his services the compensation provided by law for holding county teachers! examinations. Each applicant for a normal training certificate shall pay a fee of one dollar, and the money so collected shall be turned into the county normal institute fund. The examination questions shall be prepared by the state board of education. The package containing the questions shall not be opened ex- cept in the presence of a majority of the examining board on the day and hour of the examination. Immediately at the close of the examination the manuscripts shall be properly wrapped and sealed and sent, carriage prepaid, to the state superin- tendent of public instruction, and said manuscripts shall be graded under the direction of the state board of education. A fee of ten dollars shall be sent to the state superintendent of public instruction from the fund of each school participating in the examination, and all money received from this source shall be turned into the state treasury, and shall become available to pay the expenses incurred by the state board of education in the grading of said manuscripts. All moneys, or so much thereof as necessary, received from such source during the fiscal years ending June 30, 1925, and June 30, 1926, are hereby appropriated to pay for said expenses of said state board of education. Said expenses shall be paid on the warrants of the state auditor upon duly certified vouchers approved by the state superintendent of public instruction. (Laws 1925, ch. 225, sec. 4; R. S. Supp. 1930) (72-1341) To all persons graduating from such approved courses of study in in- stitutions on the accredited list the state board of education shall issue a three- year state certificate, and at the expiration of said certificate said board shall issue a life certificate in lieu of the first one issued, provided the holder shall have taught successfully at least two years out of the three and has kept himself informed in the general literature of his profession. (L. 1911, ch. 276, sec. 3) (72-1349) Any certificate issued by the state board of education, state teachers colleges, county board of examiners or city board of examiners may be revoked by the body issuing the same on the grounds of immorality, gross neglect of duty, annulling of written contracts with boards of education and district boards without the consent of a majority of the board which is a party to the contract, or for any cause that would have justified the withholding thereof when the same was granted. (L. 1905, ch. 392, see, 1) NOTE: The five sections immediately following are the remaining unrepealed sections of chapter 299, Session Laws of 1915, an act in relation to the certification of teachers by the state teachers' colleges. (72-1336) The diploma conferred by the degree of bachelor of science in education shall be a life diploma to teach in any of the common schools of the state of Kan- sas, including elementary and high schools. (L. 1915, ch. 299, sec. 4) (72-1337) Each of said institutions shall have power to issue certificates to teach manual training, domestic science, agriculture, commercial subjects, drawing, music, ws or other occupational subjects, upon the completion of such course of study as may be prescribed by the faculty of said institutions and approved by the state board of administration. (L. 1915, ch. 299, sec. 6) (72-1335) Each person who has completed a standard four-year high school course, approved by said institutions as referred to in section 1, and who has completed the freshman and sophomore course prescribed by the faculty and approved by the state board of administration, shall be entitled to a life certificate to teach in the elementary schools and the junior and two-year high schools of the state of Kansas. (L. 1915, ch. 299, sec. 3) (72-1334) Each person who has completed a standard four-year high school course, approved by said institutions as referred to in section 1, and who has completed the freshman course as prescribed by the faculty and approved by the state board of administration, shall be entitled to a certificate to teach in the schools of the state of Kansas for a period of three years. (L. 1915, ch. 299, sec. 2) (72-1338) All teachers! certificates and all diplomas having certificate value shall, before they are issued by the state board of administration, be presented to the state superintendent of public instruction for his signature and for registra- tion in his office. (L. 1905, ch. 388, sec. 3. Revised, 1923) NOTE: The three sections immediately following refer to teachers' examinations in counties: (72-5313) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale, or buy or offer to buy, or to distribute or have'in his or her possession any printed or written examination questions prepared for any examination to be held for the pur- pose of testing the qualifications of persons desiring to be admitted to the prac- tice of any of the professions in this state in which it is required that such per- sons be examined as to their qualifications, or any printed or written examination questions prepared for the final examination of any students in any of the higher institutions of learning of this state, desiring to graduate’ from said institutions, prior to the time of the holding of such examination. (L. 1909, ch. 208, sec. 1) (72-5314) Any person selling or offering to sell, buying or offering to buy, dis- tributing or having in his or her possession any such examination questions, con- trary to the provisions of section 1 of this act, shall be deemed guilty of a mis-_ demeanor, and upon conviction thereof fined in a sum not less than twenty- five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail for not less than ten days nor more than six months. (L. 1909, ch. 208, sec. 2) (72-5215) The provisions of this act shall not be construed to prevent the proper officials or instructors whose duty it is to conduct the said examination, referred to in section 1 of this act, from having in their possession printed or written copies of such examination questions. (L. 1909, ch. 208, sec. 3) ACCREDITING OF COLLEGES BY THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION (72-1339) Upon application of any college or university, or educational institution of like standing, incorporated under the general laws of the state of Kansas, and requiring a four-year high school course or its equivalent, approved by the state board of education, as a condition of admission to its freshman class; the state board of education shall have the power to examine the course of study prescribed 10. and the character of work done by it; and if, in the judgment of said board, the course of study and the character of the work done shall be of such standing as to prepare the graduates of such institution to teach successfully in the public schools of this state, and if said institution maintains a department of education and the course of study prescribed includes work in said department satisfactory to the state board of education, the board shall place such institution on the accred- ited list. (L. 1911, ch. 276, sec. 1) (72-1340) Any institution on the accredited list shall be subject to examination by the state board of education at its pleasure with respect to its course of study, its equipment, and the character of its work; anc additional requirements may be made ab the pleasure of the duard. Any institution failing to maintain a standard satisfactory to the state board of education shall be dropped from the accredited Let. (i. 19, che e276, ‘sec. #) -1342) The provisions of sections 1, 2, and 5 of this act shall apply to the te agricultural college, and may, at the discretion of the state board of educa- tion, be extended to any institution in any of the United States which shall satisfy toe said board that it maintains an efficient department of education and meets the other requirements for schools on the accredited list. (Le 40lly he 276, ac. 4 ) (7 oe oS eo ue. TO HOLDERS OF COUNTY CERTIFICATES: A non-renewable State Elementary School certificate valid until June 50, 1958, may . be granted on the basis of a valid second grade county certificate. Second grade county certificates expiring after July 1, 1938, cannot be accepted as the basis for a State Elementary School certificate. A State Elementary School certificate valid for a two-year period may be granted on the basis of a valid first grade county certificate. The holder of a first grace county certificate who wishes to secure the State Elementary School certificate snould file his application so that the Elementary certificate can be issued at the expiration of the county ceruificate. The State Elementary School certificate issued on the basis of a first grade county certificate may be renewed successively for two-year periods provided the applicant presents eight somester hours of college credit secured during the two- year period the State Blementury School certificate is valid. The eight semester hours credit required for the renewal of the certificate must be secured from a college or university accredited by the State Board of Education. The State Board of Education has made provision by which certificates can be issued on the basis of thirty semester hours of college credit and on the basis of sixty semester hours of college credit. If the holder of tne county certificate hes secured thirty or more semester hours of college credit, he should send an official transcript of his college credit with his application for the State Elementary School certificate if he wishes to be advised whether or not he is meet- ing requirements for a certificate granted on the basis of college credit. December 14, 1957 Dear Dean Schweglers I am very happy to receive your communication of the 13th instant informing me that you are ordering for the library one copy of Williams, Je Me, Personal Sygiene » Sixth editions Mes Ketght Prophaté, sha Wiabialiiaed ania shies ae theme Silatn et Bese, Bae Beatie drenced te Me see me yesterday afternoon for a short visite It so ~ happened that we had a basketball came last nisht with eee Sy en ee See Nenay Sehty Sent Hee see Mrs Prophette — Very sincerely yours, FCAsAH Director of Physical Bducatione We are today ordering for the library one copy of. Williams, J. F., Personal Hygiene Applied, sixth edition. RAYMOND A. SCHWEGLER Dean KNIGHT PROPHETT COLLEGE DEPARTMENT THOMAS NELSON & SONS 381 FOURTH AVENUE NEW YORK Methods. and: Materials. of Health fducation. JESSE FEIRING WILLIAMS, M.D., Columbia University and FANNIE B. SHAW, M.A., University of Florida Cloth, 12 ma. 331 Pages $2.00 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter I DEFINITIONS I] THE NATURE OF THE CHILD III HEALTHFUL SCHOOL LIVING IV HEALTH SERVICE V THE ROLE OF OFFICIAL AND NON-OFFICIAL ORGANIZATIONS IN HEALTH EDUCATION VI = CONSTRUCTION OF THE CURRICULUM VII HEALTH INSTRUCTION MATERIALS FOR TEACHING HEALTH IX TESTS AND MEASUREMENTS IN HEALTH EDUCATION xX THE HEALTH OF THE TEACHER THOMAS NELSON AND SONS 381 FOURTH AVENUE ° NEW YORK Methods. and Materials of Health Fducation. JESSE FEIRING WILLIAMS, M.D., Columbia University and FANNIE B. SHAW, M.A., University of Florida A book that will help every classroom teacher to realize the aims of the new Health Education Program a This text presents in simple and clear fashion the modern methods and materials of health education for teachers in service. Each of the ten chapters is preceded by an outline of the material contained in it. At the end of each chapter is a list of pertinent questions for study and discussion. The instruction given is concrete and definite. The material is usable in the classroom. Graphs, charts and forms aid the teacher in applying the instruction given in the text to her actual classroom situations. Note both the logical and the psychological organization of the book in the table of contents given on the back of this circular. The first chapter gives the definitions of health education in all its aspects. The chart on page 10 shows clearly the divisions of school health education and their relationships with each other. Chapter Two discusses “The Nature of the Child” under such headings as (a) New Concepts of the Child, (b) Health Education as a Practical Art, (c) Growth and Development, (d) The Normal Child, (¢) The Emotional Nature of the Child, and (f) The Economics of Iness. The material on child nature in this chapter will be found helpful in many cases of maladjusted children. © Other chapters deal with Healthful School Living, Health Service, Con- struction of the Health Curriculum, Health Instruction, Materials for Teaching Health, Tests and Measurements in Health Education, and The Health of the Teacher. Price $2.00 THOMAS NELSON AND SONS 881 FOURTH AVENUE e NEW YORK