a at roa Ria etn se gs Se ( COPY) November 22, 1937 To the Administrative Committee: Your special committee on credit for officiating at intra- mural contests begs to make the following report: 1. It appears thet the demand for such credit cannot possibly develop within the next twelve-months period. Consequent- ly, we do not believe that hasty action is required. 2. If practice teaching credit is to be given for such officiating, it will be necessary to schedule the full-time services of a supervisor to cover the time during which the officiating is done. This will mean more supervisory time than is now furnished by the Department of Physical Education. This plan cannot possibly mean, therefore, a financial saving to the department. 3, This committee feels that such officiating could possibly better be handled as pert of a two-hour course in officiating. It could represent one hour of sueh a course, and would be akin to the laboratory phase. It would have to be done under the observation of the instructor in charge of the course, and would furnish the basis for criticism and discussion both during and outside of the class hour which the other hour of eredit for the course would represent. Yours very truly, Signed: fF. 0. Russell E. E. Bayles E. R. Elbel