be a a _ Belodt High Sehool, Dear Prine! yal. chestnuts ih yom etn fe, ote ty te ree again last wok for a trip with the basketball tenn to Varrensburg, Missourie I am going to Kansas City tomorrew to speak et the | Club in a memorial trilate to Jom “Swede” Carlson, and imediately aftermani I have to drive out to Claflin, Kansas, for a football banquet in the evenings Vinee aecan with etna MUnaAaN Weert belle on next Monday and Tuesday, and I do not see how I can leave my teem. I an very sorry that it will be impossible to go to Beloit on the 15th. % woulda be wary gind Se erite 6 mecanee of emipntur anians EF Cink wend Ge sey pend, Walt da met tee bow 2 gan leave my boye at this tims | I want to congratulate you on the wonderful edifice thet you and your comumity are buildings : Thanking you for your courtesy, and with best wishes, I em ny | Very sincerely yours, pireoter of Mhysien! Wioeation and Reorestion, Varsity Basketball Coach.