duly 19, 1538. Tean Re Ae Scluugior, School of Edveation, Triversity cf Tansence Tear Dean Schaoglert This will- studies receipt of your very iind letter of the 15th instant onclosiug the names of boys who are either on the probation List or who were asked to atteupt same other aetivity then etuatL onal, here. at the Universitye From tie top of the list fown, my 1 cive you my confidential rating of these beyr? i will slso throw in some backcround of information that I obteiued fron various sources throughout last yoar, which may enable you to further consider their casese Moyris Belshe « ss tao eek Bare Peitnsol Lepebakl. wegen! tei a” caod TootiaNT player who felt that most colleges and wiversities exigt primarily for individuals who heave abundant physicel siillise We hays a rule in the conforense which does not pamit any ethletoes to participate for any outside organization duriag the time tit a student ic onrolied in sehoole The Pan Johnseu baseball toan - (the lecal Geeen Brothers team) was to play a game before sehooi ws oube en ee ee ee ae game, Some me advised Relshe not te pitch because that woul male hin fnolistble if ho pleyo’ a gum befaro fim) omnimtious Were CVS this haypened to. be the woek befores Selohe S60 quoted ae cayine, “Aw, shueke, Professor We 1. Davis will get me out of ite” Ba pene fae nad Cb tae ene cnytion werardine his em ehiisty and the ability of feliqu: in respeusible positions. lioward Martin = he ws a hoevy, phlegaatic Fg a | boy in Chicago last sumer with Monte Merkel end Warren Woodys Woody has asked me to attend a Netionnl League | beseball game with hin end to sell the boys the University of LASAB« saan Wooly ic paying Geir taltiene 2 Nertin ate hie noals at oue of the fraternity houses, of which he was not a members He had the wrong concevticn of what it takes to get an eduoatione a oe cae Cee ae took with née : Jot Go Howes = bts futher ie the Yowre of2 man, (*Dusinees attended military school in Minnoscta before to the University. iis father has always had a great dosire yr him to make a varsity letter, perhaps more than to graduete. Tle WES B& a good high school end military school athlete, but while % the er ee eee i have it ity 9