THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF EDUCATION LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE DEAN October 13, 1938 Monday - October 17 ~ 4:30 p.m. - Fraser Theater My dear Colleague: There is a very definite tendency for professional people of substantially every type to combine in more or less closely knit organizations for the purpose of promoting their social status, their security of adjustment, aid to protect tiemselves against untoward influences from without. How necessary this is in the case of teachers on every level you have of course long ago learned. May I cail your attention to the fact that the Kansas State Teach- ers Association, an organization which undertakes to extend a helping hand to teechers of every sort in the State of Kansas is making a definite effort this year to increase its usefulness and that it is calling a meeting of the teaching staff of the Univer- sity of Kansas for next Monday afternoon, October 17, at four-thirty o'clock, in Fraser Theater, for the purpose of presenting its program and explaining its plans. Superintendent F. L. Pinet who for many years has been the secretary of the organization and Mr. C. 0. Wright, formerly of Atchison, now the assistant secretary, will be present. They will give a bird's eye view of the organization, its legislative program, its plans for a statewide retirement program to be presented shortly before the legislature, and suck other matters as may be germane to our situa- tion. I believe it would be worth your while to take the hour and invest it in iecarning whet this organizution plans to do for you and for our profession. I say this regardless of the special subject matter that you may be teaching or the school with which you may be affiliated. Professionally our problems are very similar to those of other teachers in public schools, and for that reason we are, ultimately at least, keenly interested in legislation and in social arrangements that bear upon teachers as a body of professional folk. Monday -- October 17 -- 4:30 p.m. -=- Fraser Theater. Sincerely yours,