Dre Allen —= Dean Schwegler stopped at the office this afternoon and asked me to give you the following message: Referring to Sece I of the University catalog, pages 76, 7%, 78 = Option I, For School Superintendents, High School Principels, and Supervisors = with a minor in Physical Training and Health Option II, For School Psychologists and Teachers of Special Subject Matters - with a minor in Physical Education and Health. This was the set up wmder the old system before the Four-Year Curriculum in Physical Education wes inauguratede Obviously the new four-year curriculum is the better plan. Dean Schwegler is asking if either one or the other of these options, or both, should be kept in the regulations, or should they be omitted. He feels it is a matter of departmental policy, and he person= ally has no feeling in the matter, pro or cone He would like you to discuss this with the members of this department, and get their feaction, and then report to him prior to the Education Faculty meeting which is to be held next Tuesday. He thinks the matter might be settled at this meeting, or at the next faculty meetings : es