Ostober 3, 1938s eer Seteaghen tow eabet: that we otter for the Gsheur | en ggg trig Dang ae to Mrineag Pip cr tr amp ted ving tied tveshmen, fall semesver; and anaes Seunteny Sone" This second course be om the clenewtary school lovele a ones tek x ae er hemes he Ges sodten sanistens AG 2. meeting of the Executive Comeil of the Kensas Yeakth and Thysieal Eduestion Assosiation held at lieFherson last Setunday J loamed tint Hanes State College snd the teachers colleges of Kansas are of tering “Ferscnal re SS Health" for 8 hows oredit, and "Mlenertery Sehool Playground ietivities™ for 2 hours orodite Deen Selmegier spolee to me last weel: conserning the mabten ae sie mio Sanne Se Oe oe lew @ for 3 hours eredite fy oa ie that this cause should bo a 2 how course to can fom with ow state callege offerings A commitiec lus tes been appoimbed end these courses in the warious state schools will be synohwani.cole I em talding the matter up with Dean Sclwegler, and he doubtless will agree tint the latter course should be 2 hours. i would like for you people to mect in my office sume Shak $5: the cue tokens WAX eect ho agrunian yon of the fact Seat yon ccsk to Wlihding vias windil be ti test Offerings Very cordially yours, tieunitiv et Methed weawilans FOASAH : eee