THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF EDUCATION LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE DEAN March 14, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen 105 Robinson Gymnasium The University of Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: Thank you for the copy of Superintendent Young's letter in reply to your questionnaire. There is nothing to prevent students from making such elections. Suitable guidance will enable them to meet this stipulation. I will appreciate very much, of course, receiving a digest of the results from the survey. Sincerely yours, Rayiiond A. Schwegler Dden MR: RW OFFICE OF THE DEAN THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF EDUCATION LAWRENCE March 14, 1939 Dr. Forrest C. Allen 105 Robinson Gymnesium The University of Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: I was glad to receive the copy of your letter and questionnaire recently mailed to high school principals and superintendents in Kansas. It was a worthy effort and points in the right direction. In the matter of state legislation it seems to me that the State Board of Education has power under law to set up requirements. Why not ask them to do so? I should be glad to see the results from both the questionnaire and from any effort that you may make in connection with a state wide program of physical education. Sincerely yours, tebe ineg Rel AN ON RANE EE ate mt pnynoe Maroh is, 1939 Dean Re Ae Schwegier, es School of Education, University of Kensas. Dear Dean Sechweglers When you were over in Robinson Gymnasium the other night for the School of Education Party I am sorry that I didn’t call your attention to the posters that we have on the bulletin boards in each end of the gym. The posters read as follows: j | One of our outstanding administrators observed 2 the f "I notice some of our physical education majors sitting in an important administrative office with their hats on and chewing gume" It pays to look and act well. Remarks by administrators often find their mari? I am very happy always te receive such criticisns because I can use them to good advantage many times. Cordially yours, | ‘ Director of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coachs | Haroh 18, 1939 courses in Education, and also Bducation, for the Master's degres. I tried to get in touch with you a ; 2233 38 Director of Physical FPCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF EDUCATION LAWRENCE V0 /37. My. Gb: Ty kot gee Oove Joy terecten, wo fer tur Tibeplns Cerone ! M340 ~ Vnodarne deez. Gprenturr — P2739 ~ Fbheloace ec = Arse — fabek Magy ne_ ~ 2 VM O94 ~ Wnsrtrd>e 2. Yl. &. _ ZB PI B9F — Rewenset. ix. Wag WOO 3 <___, /F-—-16 flow, ture Fh 979g Y-/4399 abo buch ag MEL Mheony Va. 7 Dek. (Get. ay “34 Safa, Wei ctin te Bat, op Crorrsiens ; Ord 99379 PwC... —. Th. hr q Nt, MWS. Ss Ss To the members of the School of Education faculty: You have already learned about the party for School of Educa- tion students next Wednesday evening from seven to ten p. m. This party is arranged solely for the purpose of getting these students better acquainted with each other and with the faculty. Some students have asked that the faculty be introduced to the group at the party because they had not had an opportunity to meet some of them. We are planning to do this; so we especially want a full representation of the faculty and their wives (if any). We have long felt the need of a greater unity within the School 3 of Education of both students and faculty as a means of develop- ing a greater professional spirit. We count this an opportunity in which everyone will want to participate. Sincerely yours, Bert A. Nash, Chairman Social Committee a February 22, 19386 In the rush of things here it had slipped my mind, but we are calling a meeting ef the members of this departuent very soon, and shail report to you with= ina very few dayse : : Thank you for calling the matter to my attention. Cordially yours, | Director of Physical Idueation, February 24, 1939. Nien ish oulpeetall Sak panther t sth de ike the mecting on Tuesday, but I regret this is impossible as I aon + on i ee that hour's tru > that you will have a very profitable and pleasant vamge if there is any in which we can @ooperate with you end your eomittce 1% be a pleasure to do go. i Director of Physical Education, FCA AH : Varsity Basketball Coach, Professor Ee Ey Payles oe | School of Réueeticn. A ; Dear Professor Bayless ies sideman ts deel aialiills ta teammnaitini Se to core courses for the cambined Master's degrac, the er ee ey are te at Sete the following: Tee Cen Sennen ae Maes Edusation, 3 hours Si2e Senimr, S hours 1292. Content and Methed of “hysienl Bdueation, S hours P278s Adolescence, 3 hours. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache Hise Ruth Hoover, Departaant of Tysioal Rineations Dear Wiss Hoover: Than’: you very mush for the suggestions which you: and Dre ibel made on the sore courses for the coubined Naster"s degrece a hewe approved your suggestions end have cert thaziist over to Professor — for the consideration | Cordially yours, Director of Physical Zuention, — Dre Ee Re Blbel, Department of Physical Educatione Dear Mde : Thank you very much for the suggestions which you Se ee nee on Sen See Sener: fee ie Gene bined Master*s degrece I have aporoved your suggestions and have sent the list over to Professor Bayles for the consideration of his committees Cordially yours, Varsity Basketball Couche : a UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE aCe DIVISION OF P E f x ie Aa oo | A Lee 7 OP eee ot Se het) a ot PS har i= of n |) (> | htn— June 7, 1938 (abr 0K pdarck Qk , & Dr, F.CsAtlon, University of Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen, the committee on prerequisites for a combined Masters degree in education and physical education recommends the following: A. That the undergraduate work include the seeds courses or their equivalents: 3 2 ane 1, Techniques or theory and practice - ' 8 hours 2. Hygiene, physiology, zoology or anatomy - 7 hours 5. Gourses involving the history, principles 3 or philosophy of physical education a [% Rae, .B, That a committee of advisors be appointed to evaluate the transcripts of all entering candidates. C,. That the addition of the Masters work in physical education will necessitate a change in the number- ing of some of the junior and senior courses to open them for graduate work Respectfully submitted, , be E.R.Elbel — , le | h/ ae Ruth I Hoover e / Sy O (Ve SG a Dunkel YA “ere as | 2} of ak L-- tied Cone t Liaw wa baly 3 ae ha ott * } lool Na ginnt nm Meath 3 MP pete” ok, 3 oy on G4. grsurrte Dr. Elbel and Miss Hoover suggest the following as core courses for the combined Master's degree: 202 Organization and Administration of Physical Education, 3 hrs. 512¢ Seminar, 3 hrs. M294. Content and Method of Physical Education, 3 hrse P2786 Adolescence, 5 hrse Febmumry 16, 1939. from the Registrar's offices x inow ing for Iinself. and not mny fast friends, and who is fareed to pranote his ath= letics and personality to the point where people will lean hin enough money or subsidize him so that he can caaplete his educations I say it would take a very superior individual to be able to negotiate all of those probless quite satisfactorily. i have taken a greet interest in the boy and I hope thet he oan make the grade, but it is a problem wiless he would be able to take the football over for a toushdowm once or twice geome « then he would have no trouble. I will be glad to cooper in helring hime ; . : : fs Director of Physical Education, _ FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coachs Sue Nhs Hoy rack 37,22 Lg (the Din 31m, Fa Ahab (Amouncement for School of Edusation Bulletin) The Department of Physical Education will offer four eourses in the 1939 Sumer Sessione These courses are as follows: 100. Principles of Coamamity Recreation, 3 hrse _ 200. Theery and Practice of Athletic Training, 3 hrse 300. Special Problems, 204 hrse 3120 Seminar in Physieal Edueation, 3 hrse Dre Forrest C. Allen, chairman of the degartment, will give the emmress in Geeninity Remventien end Theity and Freatios of Mblotic Training, and Dre Es Re Elbel will offer the courses in Special Problems and Seninmere Craduate students desiring to do sumer work simp thonding seth tateanen’ in these eftuiiteee inet wecme, in the course Tests and Measurements in Physical Education, the first graduate course offered by the department, there were eight graduate students enrollede Dre Ve We Lapp taught this courses The department is endeavoring to establish a well-plamed program leading to the combined master's degree in Bdueation and Physical Education. During the present semester three students are worlcing on this degrese Old New Education M34—-A M62-A M34-B M62-B Phys. Educ. oi we Phys. Educ. 80 200 Education M64 Education A50-—C E353 Phys. Educ. 40 CHANGES IN EDUCATION SCHEDULE Name Changed Course Numbers P. S. M. Methods for Intermediate Grades P. S. M. Methods for Intermediate Grades Conmunity Recreation . Organization and Admin, of Phys. Educ. Changed Course Name ana Number Theory and Practice of Athletic Training Changed Time. dentkine Music in Senior High School Added Courses Introduction to School Administration Educational Experimentation® Personal Hygiene and Community Health” Credit 5 *Will be offered if there is sufficient demand Time 10:30 MWF Instructor a Barnhart Barnhart Elbel Elbel Allen £350 MTh Miessner 8:30 TT 115 F Appt. late p.m. Appt. OBrien OBrien Elbel THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF EDUCATION LAWRENCE OFFICE OF THE DEAN Jamiary 16, 1939 Dr. E. R. Elbel 107 Robinson Gymnasium The University of Kansas My dear Dr. Elbel: Dean Schwegler would like to know how many physical education students are likely to wish enrollment in English 10E, English literature taught for the engineers. Will you please let us know just as soon as possible? Sincerely yours, 7 Mateel Rich Secretary to the Dean MR: RW December 14, 1938~ Dean Re Ae Schwogler, University of Kansas. I am leaving tomorrow morning for our basketball ganes at Austin and Tallas, Texas, and shall not be back until the 25rd. I just wanted you to Imow that at Se tha at cae fron Professor Bayles and Professor Chandlers Director of Physical Education, FCA sAl Varsity Basketball Coaches December 14, 1938. Dean Raymond Ae Schwegler, School of Education, University of Kansase a. tee of a letter which I heave received in the courses thet were sulmitted to then for approvale A ee ee ee As Dean Stouffer suggests, I am passing these ROR On Ne yee FAN approval of the School of Education. i shall be glad to hear fra you at your early conveniences “Very sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education, | FOAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache | Senne 20, 1080. ‘Curvfoukin Dovieion Comittes, Bo of "aantion, | Centenens iki te eon tint yee cunts re UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE THE GRADUATE SCHOOL Office of the Dean December 9 3 1938 Dr. Forrest ©. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: I am writing to inform you that the Administrative Committee of the Graduate School has approved the courses sub= mitted in your letter of December 5 with two minor changes. It is suggested that 300 Special Problems in Physical Education be offered for credit varying from two to four hours depending upon the character of the problem or problems undertaken by the particular student. The Administrative Committee also approved a slight change in the prerequisites for course 100 Principles of Community Recreation. The prerequisites would be three hours of general sociology and, for physical education majors, not less than ten hours of “physical education. Under this arrangement, other students might také-thts-course without the physical education prerequisites. This change in- prerequisites will need to be submitted to the School of Education for approval since this gives credit in that division, also, If you approve of the action of the Administrative Committee of te the Graduate School in regard to these prereouisites, I would suggest that you ask the Department of Hducation to take action upon the possible change in prerequisites. The Administrative Committee of the Graduate School asked me to call to your attention the possibility that a student might repeat the same study in course 300 and in course 312, The Committee was aware of the fact that such a repetition was not intended, but suggests that a record bg kept of the work of each student in course 300 and in course 312 in order to guard against this possibility. Most sincerely yours, E. Be EX Lee ge December 5, 1938. Dean E, B. Stouffer, The Gradumte School, University of Kangas. At a recent meeting of the faculty of the Sshool of Education the following recomendations in regard to commen in the Degartnent of Fiysient Edueation were approveds I now present these recommendations to the Administrative Committee of the Graduate School, and respectfully ask tint they have your approval. 1. Approvel of the following graduate courses in physical education: PR ae aa ROE : a a al Le Set carina, comets cone 07 canard for ete wade P three hours o "Cenorel sociology ant not less than _ ten hours of physical education. Se That all graduate courses in physical education below the if00" level carry @ prerequisite of not less than ten hours of ce - Sévoation and ell graduate courses in physical eduontion mmbered or shove carry & prerequisite of not less than fifteen hours of = viysienl, otmation, | & WAST sins a Tl So ik al cei es aa Director of Physical Education, Varei ty Basketball Conche BC aight i a ticaeitadl tai ea pean eh ie ‘ =e re nae a te oe eS 24 pi Eng aig wy | ae wo nel ty SA MRR et REED