Jol Carlecn played tal2 because he loved te But in playing brilliantly he introduced himself favorably to business and to societye After graduating fron the Law School of the University of Kansas, John Carlson returned to his hone city, Kansas City, Kansas, and began the practice af lem Years ago Jolm told me the story of his first trial oase in the Federal Court. John Carlgan seid, "iy Imees were Imooking together ani the Federal judge sew that i we soared to deaths ify head began to swime Finally Judge Pollock leoked down from over his glasses and said, ‘Go ahead, Swede, Tivo seen you play football lots of times!*™ "dosh", said Swode, "that me all that I necdedd I tere into that | Case and won its T've always remembered that ineident and I have always tried to pass the word of eneourageent on to youtis" As president of the Hoard of Riueation of his hone olty, as senator - fron his district and as one of the key men of hie camonmealth, Jon Carlson ever justified the feith that men of all creeds and color had in him, Youth loved him because he had an understanding sympathy with their problems. le is not dead because he lives in the hearts of youths Para~ phresing Rotary's slogan, tle profited most because he served his level bests