UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LAWRENCE THE GRADUATE SCHOOL Office of the Dean December 9 3 1938 Dr. Forrest ©. Allen Department of Physical Education University of Kansas My dear Dr. Allen: I am writing to inform you that the Administrative Committee of the Graduate School has approved the courses sub= mitted in your letter of December 5 with two minor changes. It is suggested that 300 Special Problems in Physical Education be offered for credit varying from two to four hours depending upon the character of the problem or problems undertaken by the particular student. The Administrative Committee also approved a slight change in the prerequisites for course 100 Principles of Community Recreation. The prerequisites would be three hours of general sociology and, for physical education majors, not less than ten hours of “physical education. Under this arrangement, other students might také-thts-course without the physical education prerequisites. This change in- prerequisites will need to be submitted to the School of Education for approval since this gives credit in that division, also, If you approve of the action of the Administrative Committee of te the Graduate School in regard to these prereouisites, I would suggest that you ask the Department of Hducation to take action upon the possible change in prerequisites. The Administrative Committee of the Graduate School asked me to call to your attention the possibility that a student might repeat the same study in course 300 and in course 312, The Committee was aware of the fact that such a repetition was not intended, but suggests that a record bg kept of the work of each student in course 300 and in course 312 in order to guard against this possibility. Most sincerely yours, E. Be EX Lee ge