March 17, 1959 Dear Sir: As has been a custom in the past, the Owl Society is requesting the cooperation of the racuity of the University in picking the outstanding sophomore men for consideration as candidates for membership in the society. Because members are selected for this junior men's honorary organization on the basis of their scholastic recorus, extra-curricular activities, and general excellence of character, the present Owl Society feels that the deans of the various schools are in a position to bring quaiified men to our attentione Would you please till out the enclosed blank with a list of the sophomore men who, in your opinion, are qualified for membership, together with whe reasons for your ehoice? Scholastic record and extra-curricular activities should be included in the reasons for your choice of each mane If you have information concerning any potentiai candidate outside your school, feel free to include his name among your nominations. Since the final seiections must be maae detore the Raster vacation please return your List py campus mail before Saturday, March 25, to tne Owl Society in care of Henry Werner, men ‘students! advisor. As you must realize, your cooperation in this matter is of vital importance to the Owl Society and will ve deeply appreciateds Yours very truly; He Brewster Powers President Shred ~Faue Bave> Edward Lane Davis Secretary,