/ Mr. James W. ‘Crossett, ESQUIRE, , 919 No. Michigan Avée, re Chicags 11, Disssiss * “a as" * roe re - Crossett: eee os NeiGiie iaphber will explain patite? my ‘int “ vit guaeeseh ikl -— better than a comment I might make in the small space provided therefor. I have definitely made my statements regarding the genbling evil and I think oer yen is acquainted with that. ar * bain. eel gut" » ee the N.CeAchy dnl lia ‘Riag0s" are a group ‘of men entnaee any lew enforcing power. Both of these organizations are in fact paper organizations, and while there is a great deal of talk there is never < anything done except a silly appeal to the coaches to keep information away from the gamblers. Even with the power that Judge Landis had, he had a struggle to deep down oe in thé parks of the Cons league teams . The N.C.A.A. is a heterogenous organization with not the same ‘senke in the various conferences; therefore, there is no unanimity of opinion on eligibility or how this matter should be handled. Athlete ios have gotten to be big business, but the N.C.A.A. and the A.AU. have not grown with the growth of interest in sports and the money take at the gate. Regardless of the sport concerned, when great interest is attached to any sports activity the gamblers are always there working their percent- ages for their own benefit and not for the benefit of the sport. It has long been known that the A.A.U. only p i sports in which there is money for the A.A.U. They may make a token gesture of letting a certain district or area promote their so-called amateur sport, but when there is a great money income at the gate, then the A.A.U. promotes it and takes a part or all of it to run their New York and Chicago RGRRAE STE AS TS expense. The N.C.A.A. followed in the wake of the A.A.U. in wanting | to take all the money as they started to do in 1942. With certain unfavor- able publicity upon the attitude such as the N.C.A.A. showed, they began to disburse more of it until now they are doing a fair job, but they de- pended upon Ned Irish to make the money for them. The N.C.AeA. tournament was intended to be originated and promoted for the purpose of fighting