oe tough because they are not interested in the sportsmanship of the game or the play. They are interested in the result because they have money placed on the outoome, And that is the bad thing because these gamblers will get to certain types of officials and certain types of players. They will not get to all of thom but they will get to some of them, and when you have’ a shrewd, unprineipled gang operating, with no group operating to oppose them, then the result. is obvious. On your question “3 I should say that we need better Sallie in fundamentals by our basketball coaches. But here again the big time coach goes out and recruits his team and doesn't worry about the fundamentals. But the small time coach should give more time to teaching fundamentals. If we had good fundamentals taught the youngsters, the fire-oengine game could still operate without putting too great a strain on the player. Medical science is agreed that after a 45-second rest the heart in a normal healthy person com- pensates sufficiently to exert no harm on the — The recuperation — is satisfactory. is eile to. your question -4, I think thet there are so many angles involved that it is a mtter of research because there is so mish difference in the opposition of teams that some teams make a great record, but their opposition is weak. ‘The coaching record is much more difficult than picking an outstanding collegiate basketball player. I still piek Hank Luisetti as the best alleround player in the country. . In answer to your question #6, again it would take definite research to arrive at an answer. The Helms Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles is the only one that I know that has made mich research along this line. |. Very cordially yours, . Director of Physical Rducation, — , eo Varsity Basketball Coach. Co ,