Octeber 20, 1945 Lt. Ray Evans Hdqe 2nd Air Ferce Super Bomber - Colerade Springs, Colerade Dear Rays I have had a mumber of letters from Bob Allen, Mary Allen Hamilton, and others stating that you had given me the name of Bob Hendren last year and these people wondered why I had not written him with the idea of trying to interest him in the ‘ ‘University of Kansase I went back into my file this morning and found that on February 14, 1945, I wrote Bob a full-page letter and I quote it herewith: "T had a fine visit with our former super-star, Ray Evans, when we played the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. Ray told me of your wonderful athletie ability and said that he would give anything to see you at the University of Kansas when he returns to college after the war is over. "Ty am writing you to see what you have in mind and to assure you that nothing would give me more pleasure than to see the wish that Ray Evans expressed come true. Have you thought of your college future to any great extent? "I know how busy you are. All boys in the service are bereft of any extra time to write letters, but I would appre- giate your writing me so that we might exchange ideas. "T am sending you a Jayhawk Rebounds which is a monthly letter that we get out to our boys in the service. Doubtless you will know none of these boys but you can see what we are doing to keep our boys on the fighting fronts advised as to our hopes and ambitions for theme "Ray just mailed me a tear sheet in which your team is shown on the sport page. He outlined your 6ft. S8in., 250 pounds in a very graphic way. He thinks you are tons, and you must be from your recorde "With all good wishes to you in your second game against the Wings, I am" oe ae never heard from Bob and little expected to because most boys in the service do not write the coaches unless they are well acquainted with theme On the twenty-eight of February 1945, I wrote you a letter regarding Bob as follows: “Keep the contact with Bob Hendren, as you doubtless can do more than anyone else. Every once in awhile give me the dope if you happen to be with him, and I will continue to fire epistles to him. He did not answer my letter, but I know how that goes with boys in the service, - they are just too busy and can't find time." | |