SAINT LOUIS UNIVERSITY SAINT LOUIS, MISSOURI DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS 3672 WEST PINE BLVD. Po ee oo ee March 21, 1946 Mr. Fe Cy Alien, Chairtan Department of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrences ®ensas E Dear sir: I am completing a study of twenty re preceni ele schools who offer Physical Education majors. Since your school is one of this group, I would deeply appreciate your res in forwarding to me the enclosed desired informatio SO ESTE REE STITH ION A ISI yi realize the imposition of such a request, and Hove een e deen ety limited my questions to six. L trust you will return the desired information at your earliest convenience, and if I can ever be of any assistance to you in a similar Way, do not hesitate to Seas me. ne jae ae | Sincerely, W. C. Eberhardt Director of Physical Educa WCE:ab- i pe