carryover and will aid each one connected with the sport to become a better citizen.” ‘The broader aspects of Functional Fitness have been stated pre- viously to include training, conditioning, and application to de- velop the physical; and explanation, inspiration, and demonstra- tion to improve the mental and social. The magnitude of the coach’s job may better be grasped by further consideration of a longer list of fundamentals to be stressed if Functional Fitness is to be the outcome. FUNDAMENTALS OF FUNCTIONAL FITNESS Physical Mental Social Action Action Action Rest Rest Recreation Diet Face Reality Spiritual Sustenance Elimination Eliminate Negative Eliminate Negative Water Difficult Competition Economics Air Emotional Response Politics Heat Personality Human Relationships Light Understanding Education Growth Development Progress Reserves Reserves Reserves Cleanliness Self Control Morals and Ethics Posture Attitude Philosophy The exact amount of carryover of these fundamentals from athletics to other activities often has been debated, but it is agreed that some transfer does take place. The amount is dictated by methods of teaching combined with the vividness of the impres- sions made upon the student. Properly taught, the lessons in school athletics develop physiques which can do more physical work and do it longer before fatigue inhibitions arise; stimulate mental processes and stabilize emotions; and inculcate worthwhile social traits. These transfer with an enjoyable spontaneity and pleasing efficiency to many other fields. The primary approach, it is seen, is through the physical and the method involves action. Psychologists insist that a human being learns best by doing—that there is no teaching substitute for physical action. Evasion of action, especially in the young, plants the seed of an unhealthy pattern with subsequent disastrous repercussions. There can be no separation in any learning process of the physical, mental, and social phases, in the accomplishment of improved training, greater conditioning, and better application. 45