April 30, 1946. Major B. R. Elbe, School of Aviation Medicine, Randolph Pield, Texas. Dear Bddie: My | I am sending you a tear sheet from the Journaldiorld giving Dolph Simons' version of your artiole that appeared in "Education for Victory", under your title - Who's A Softie. I twok it down to Dolph and asked that he read it. He sed just a few days previous to the receipt o ceived it I wanted him to read it and + appreeiate any review that he might give it. . ZT am now passing it on to the Kansan, and trust that they will give you the deserved attention that your article should command. I think you have done a fine job. of setting owt before the leaders the imperative needs in the order of importance as regards growing youth. I aa awfully sorry to learn of the illness of Mrs. Elbel. ' I trust in the not too distant future that she will be definitely on the mend and that she will be restored to her previous good health. If there is anything that I can do please let me know. I have talked to Dr. Edmiston ard the Bayles, and want to do everything thait I oan, but I have learned that som times there are som things that have to be left to the physician and the family. | Doubtless Raymond Nichols has written you that your letter received favorable attention before the budget committee. Of course we will be delighted to have you back when and if the Army releases you. Will you kindly write ms when you have hopes of seouring your discharge? Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FPOAsAR Varsity Basketball Coach.