1941. ta.) ues, Sept 30, (In the woods Mansfield, la.) 3 Soh iat ty at I know they eonvenient one-ceant rit of this epistle ag they are not but something has popped they should , and only sent then a before this, the eon spirit bel lini iu miles vest of Mansfield, 16 necessary atten ee a asaenbly | sed | oo develope % arti 8 a 283 | i, eed & Udi | : i ie in Bivouse Se : i {i By in condition return to thelr duties , and the weeds are dissent. However, I had an I'm entitled te be = com ter - it is the game, im as much ae I cannot participate as I love te to let their stories from eenter, poor kidding Therefore if they in du efore me an AP. @ | their name is kept have before me that will be challenged for y eve not they wil ie row Logie not mat sl VES. They a they | does ) know as tho’ the That 4 enjoying other also time for it