APDI28 U.S. S. ALEX DIACHENKO ALEX MAXWELL DIACHENKO, WATERTENDER SECOND CLASS, U. S. N. b ALEX MAXWELL DIACHENKO was born in Hartford, Connecticut on March 21, 1919. He was killed in action on March 10, 1943. DIACHENKO enlisted in the United States Navy at Hartford, Con- necticut, on September 24, 1940, and served continuously until the time of his death. He was posthumously awarded the SILVER STAR MEDAL for service as set forth in the following citation: “For conspicuous gallantry and intrepedity while attached to a United States warship in action against enemy forces. When a hostile vessel was intercepted and attacked, DIACHENKO, as a member of a boarding. party attempting to salvage the vessel, displayed exceptional courage in the face of grave danger from threatening flames and the powerful explosions of demoli- tion charges. While preparing to ascend the ladder of the vessel in order to assist in the hazardous salvage operations DIA- CHENKO lost his life as the result of a sudden violent explosion. His exemplary conduct and heroic devotion to duty were in keep- ing with the highest traditions of the United States Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life for his country.” b Next of Kin: Mr. Michael Diachenko, Father, 283 Barbour Street, Hartford, Connecticut. Miss Mary D. Diachenko, 32 Babcock Street, Hartford, Connecticut, Cousin; was the sponsor of the U. S. 8S. ALEX DIACHENKO.