August 14, 1945 Mrs. E. R. Elbel . 2101 Tennessee Street Lawrence, Kansas Dear Mrs. Elbel: / I acknowledge, with thanks, the copy of Health for September. I will be happy to read it and then pass it on to the papers here so that he will get his deserved publicity for his good effort. _ IT-haven't had time to read it, but will soon. Neither have I had an opportunity to finish another Rebound as yet. This war and other things have kept me very much on the jump but I am working on it piecemeal and as soon as I get it finished I will mail you a copy. , - I certainly will be happy to see the major if he comes home on or around September 1. We put him on our teach- ing schedule for this fall, but I knew that was wishful think- ing because I do not believe that the army will let the men in his needful work out earlier than six months cessation of hostilities. ss every good wish, I am ยข Sincerely, - Forrest C. Allen Director, Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach FCA:ef