Decerber 11, 1943. Enperia, Kansas. oe - Dear Mr. Bouck: T am not in any speciel hurry for my expense money to Emporia, but I thought since I had « small accident to my car - someone knocked the mud-guard off the fender - that if you wanted i. eee trip, I would let you. I drove my own car which is a club sedan 1941 Buick, one of the biggest, and I know that I camot travel for 6¢ a mile what. with tires, gau and upkeep at the present time. I believe that by the time I get my car fixed, $20.00 would not be out of line for the trip. I told someone at the Chawber that all he id to do was to figure my car at 6¢ a mile both ways, but I certainly do not want to lose money on the trip nor do I want to make any money. However, I figure that this would be a feir arrangement under the conditions. It was a great pleasure for me to make the trip to Bmporia ey ee Oe Sete ek wert being heh Oe Se ee om eee eet Fe ee ee et eee With ali qned wishes, I an Very sincerely yours, | | Direotor of Physical Fducation, PCA:Ai Varsity Basketball Coach.