Pea HOMECOMING COMYITT ER Mimites of Meeting October 28, 1943. Alunni Office \s Present: Jackie Meyer, chairman io Mer caret Buther Lillard — me : Oh te ; - Art Benner : é Ruth Krehbiel : Paula Reeve | George Hedrick | , Russell Wiley | | a Moved ty bases! Wiley. — seconded be 4 dinies Hedrick: thet there should be s Homecoming Queen this year, thet «he chairmen of this committee should select a committee to work out plane and detaile for choosing the eueen, presenting her ent all such details. Carried. Discussion among the com= mittee resulted in choice of the following ecommittre: | Res Lieut Rantolph wif , cheirman _ a oe) igi ¥ Y Devidson a : | A iste an Margaret Butler Litlerd 2 ae | : 3 oe une | Art Benner ee > Tae a Paula Reeve ae eee! Pore ae ! It Was announce a that a dasketball game between the duvetty end the ASTP would be available for the evening before the Homecom’nge came. All agreed such : Ge would be a fine feature and favored working the remeinder of the program around it end be*ween halves.’t was informally decided to start the came at 7:70 MD Be present the qenen candidates, coaches end representatives of the football team between halves, and to arranve's big bonfire after the eame outéimde, — 4 ve Committee on arrangements for ‘the Fridey evening program wee chosen as 9 follows? Ruth Krehbiel, chairmen ! Russell Wiley George Hedrick | BH OR on _ Noved by Aserce Hedrick and seconded by Yargaret Buther Lillard, that a : , charge of 10¢ yor person be meade for the Friday cvenine came end activities, exeept to service mon in uniform who will be atmitted free. Cerried. ¥ . Jay Jones are to sell tickets for the Friday nicht eeme and program, The committee requested thet Dr Allen have stage seated for the came in fos view of the many soldiers and sailors expected in aidition totthe crowd of s civilians. . ce Wr Hedrick was asked to tacenthoets. haiiaiiey of heving en exhibit of eg i militery equipment, including squedrons of fighter end bomber plenes, tenke “oe ete —_ The conmi ttee preferred Planes e ye an if not both. = | joutnnent to meet ne ee