Cadet Forshee Won DFC Twice; Two in 41st Have Air Medals WICE awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for heroism and extra- ordinary achievement as rear gunner of a Navy dive bomber in the Left to right: Rees, Forshee and Martz. Battles of the Coral Sea and Midway, Lynn R. Forshee, ARM1c (41-I-2B), heads a long list of 41st Batt trainees who have already tasted action in various theaters of war. Two winners of the Air Medal are also numbered among the bluejacket and Marine cadets in that battalion. They are Matthew A. Rees, ARMI1c (J- 1A), of Las Vegas, Nev., and George F. Martz, ARM2c (I-3A), of Cumber- land, Md. Rees was decorated for his service as a gunner aboard a Catalina, which shot down one of four attacking Zeroes off Kiska, dispersed the others, and aided in the sinking of an armed enemy freighter. Martz, manning the rear gun of a Dauntless, helped his pilot knock down three planes in the Battle of Santa Cruz. Forshee, who wears the DFC and gold star, was personally credited with the destruction of one enemy plane in the Coral Sea engagement and was cited again for his ‘“‘courage and tenaci- ty in the face of heavy fighter and anti- aircraft opposition’? at Midway. He is a native of Britt, Ia., and has served four years in the Navy. After Pearl Harbor he was transferred from At- lantic submarine patrol duty to the Pacific where he participated in the Marshall and Gilbert actions, Salamaua, Lae, Tulagi, and Guadalcanal. Jerome Brown, AM3c, USN (I-14), served in a fighter squadron aboard an aircraft carrier which participated in the attack on Casablanca. The ship’s guns sank two subs and its planes three in that engagement. The crew received a unit citation. Cpl. John C. Barnes, USMCR, holds two presidential unit citations. He was shellman and director finder on a five- irch battery aboard the famous Bat- tleship X which distinguished herself ‘in the Battles of Santa Cruz, Guadal- canal, and Savo Island. S/sst.. David -G. - Mehareue,; USMC, flew with the first bombing squadron to operate out of Henderson Field, Guadalcanal, after it was captured. Walter F. Howard, AMMI1c, was in a PBY crew which bombed Munda Air- strip in December, ’42. Stanley C. Topolski, ACMM (CAC), USN, saw action throughout the South- west Pacific for two years, flying in PBY’s and B24’s. William G. Peterson, AOMic, USN, bombardier in a patrol squadron in the Southwest Pacific, participated in the Coral Sea Battle. Five. of the group were in North Atlantic patrols which have a number of submarines to their credit. They are: James B. Gray, PhMic, USN; Charles W. Hazelbacker, Jr., AMM2c, USN; Eugene A. Rodgers, Amlic, USN; Charles O’Henry, PhMic, USCG; Her- bert G. Stauning, AMM8c, USN. Three were stationed at Pearl Har- bor on December 7, 1941, and witness- ed the Jap attack —Francis F. Da- vis, BM2c,-.USN;- Paul. 1. —- Eckholt, AMMic, USN; -and:. Jack. R:. Evans, AOMiIc, USN. Skytrain—95 Epitaph: Here lies an atheist, all dressed up and no place to go. Operational Report — SPLICED: L. J. Eecel, AMM2c (41-I-2A), and Miss Dorothy H. Kupka, of Milwaukee, Wisc., January 20, in the Chaplain’s office. TRANSFERRED: C. T. Miner, PhMic, to R/S, Brook- lyn, N. Y.,; for further transfer to sea duty; J. C. Oates, Y2c, to NTS, Norfolk, for further transfer to sea duty. Focke-Wolf 190—35 39th Makes Record 94.71 in Academics With an all-time academic record of 94.71 percent of its cadets on the all- passing list, the 39th Batt will bring to eight its overall total of E pennants Monday when it raises the red and white burgee over Wasp. Other scores, released today by the Records office: 38th, 90.50 percent; 40th, 79.30 percent; 41st, 65.76 per- cent. The previous high in academics was made two weeks ago when 93.81 per- cent of the 37th Batt passed all sub- jects for the week ending vanuary 8. Junkers 87—45 V-Mail Gets Priority; Navy Urges Its Use Greater use must be made of V-Mail or it may become necessary to discon- tinue carrying other personal mail ov- erseas by air, says a Navy Department announcement. Overseas operations are taxing air mail transportation facilities severely. vV-Mail film takes up less than two per- cent of the space and weight of regular mail. Unless the majority of letters to and from personnel overseas go by V-Mail, there is the likelihood that air cargo space will be insufficient to ac- commodate even a small percentage of unfilmed personal mail. V-Mail, furthermore is now receiv- ing first transportation consideration over all mail except officer messenger and official registered air mail. Mustang—37 Two Navy Nurses Report Two Navy Nurses* reported aboard this week for duty with the medical department. They are Ens. Blannie Barron of Crystal Springs, Miss., and Ens. Issia Fay Muncy of Lovely (be- lieve it or not), Ky. Both have been serving at the Naval Hospital, Jacksonville, for the past ten months. Hurricane—40 Cadets Attend WAVE Hop One hundred cadets from the senior 38th Battalion will attend the joint graduation dance and President’s Birth- day Ball at the Wave Training School, Milledgeville, Ga., tomorrow night. Buses will bring the cadets back to Ath- ens immediately after the dance. STARBOARD