February 12, 1946. : Mr. Art Rason, Aseoointed Press, _ Kemenas City, Mo. Dear Art: ’ I have discontinued sending you the Jayhawk Rebounds for the reason that you are somewhat like Westbrook Pegler, only not as - geod in any line as he is. Your article: “Sample: Every month | er so, F. ©, *Phog’ Allen, “ansas basketball coach, composes his ‘Jayhawk Rebounds". They're like the great Phog himself, gabby, _ platitudinous =~ and chock “full of news." I wrote those letters for the boys and thought that although you were not human at times you could have been human enough to reflect the better things in the Sebounds. But I see you just haven't got it. | : Sincerely yours, 3 : Director of Physioal Education, FOALAH Yarsity Basketball Coach.