-- Program -- invocation: kc. Bas Rev. A. L. Koeneke Toastmast@r: sss Se i a es Ed Woolcott Piano Solo 233 i eee Karl Johnson School Music Instructor Introduction of Debate Coach, Ada Mae Gressinger. Introduction of Debate Team: Helen Schriver, Barbara Stein, Bill Nellig Virgil Dirks, Victor Chesky Introduction of Basketball Coach, Avy Masterson. Introduction of Maurice Wear, Honorary Basketball Cap- tain. Introduction of Basketball Squad Members: Jim Benbrook, Harold England, Tex Smiley, Albert Vierthaler, Maurice Wear, Merlan Unruh, Victor ‘Randall, Arnold Stahlheber, Bob Wiederstein, Merle Wiederstein, Simon Duron, Kenneth Friesen, Charles Hyde, Innes Koehn, Leland Koehn, Dick Peckenschneider, Johnny Talbott, Norman Thorn- hill, Richarg Wilmore. Introduction of A. R. Challans, Superintendent. Address® «oo. Gussie Dr. Forrest C. Allen ‘Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas