} young men playing, ani Dr. Allen's challenge, was too much, outa apirit. Football reprerents so much of 5 epirit of a game whore mental, phyeieal, and emotionial e¢xxressions have 2 wholesome ut. let that youth will demand, and have, in one way or another. Therefore, 1t would be folly for our colleges to attempt to kill the game. History of the sport tells : . @ geome by making 4¢ punishable by death for anyone ‘ (of football. In our ow nation, in not so mony % hung on fn apite of all oppeci tion. sf E g i § ie | : i + g iil E tl E i i i : : : E Bg = f 3 4 ef 1 i | | if ; £ f 21 goaches ahould rise up in arme and ostracive one of their own monber who brands this fine group of men as “Beagle | thletes ome 20 yeare of aseociation with athletics and the teacher of these it very little ground for such rash statements as made by ig regrettable when one who has earned hig livifhood from the athletic 1 mony years to turn ont to be unworthy of the respect of his fellow : : : ; : i ane of football, and allied goadhing duties. When all aft