ee November 13, 1943. Pvt. Ray R. Svans, 95rd 7.5.8., Scott Field, Ill. Dear Ray: Bless your heart, I do not want you to feel the least bit eubarrassed in anything that you care to write me. I would not hurt you for the world or cause you or any of your friends or loved ones any enbarrasanent for anything. \ In my letters I-mention Eleanor and Bob end John Buescher and Ada K., and anyone else that happens to come to my mind as I would in writing a family letter, and I had not thought of mentioning Harriett, but I can see how you would feel. I truly can understand your sensitive nature. You are exactly right, though; you are the — only fellow whose sweetheart I have mentioned in these letters. John Buescher was married, of course, so that was different. It just happened that none of the boys were engaged to a girl, cr I doubtless would have mentioned it. . Sak 2 sent milicatend: your Vitipalal orld pertellly Wilk seout your wishes very definitely. No, Ray, I like you to feel that you ean gay anything to me that is on your mind, and I will follow your wishes very closely, It was a surprise because I never dreamed that it hurt you. You are such a sineere chap that I know how you feel and just know that I welcome you imer thought. — I em writing this Saturday morning so that you will get it Monday and will not cause you any apprehension as to how I regard the matter. I am glad you like the Rebounds and we will keep them coming <<...” eee eee in the service. didi Gus tees hee Gt Gea hk att en NE welcome yeur good letters, I am oe . Sincerely yours, : Director of Physioal Education, FCA:AH : Varsity Basketball Coach.