November 1, 1943. President Milton .S. Eisenhower, Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kengas. Dear President Eisenhower : in ow’ conversation at the Chancellor's home Saturday evening I mentioned to you that wo send to our athletes in the service the Jayhawk Rebounds, a commmication to give each one of the boys the address of some of their buddies and to pas out the news on the Hill as it comes to us. 3 I am using on the score board the results of each one of — our home games played last year. Practically all of our boys who played last year are in the service and that ties them up a little closer to Mount Oread. , _ For this Rebounder Fred Ellsworth, the Alumi Secretary, printed one side of the communication and we used the other side thereby tying the secretary's activities in with ours. It was @ great pleasure to meet you and Mrs. Eisenhower. I enjoyed the evening very much. Sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.