2. Suggested topics: a. Adequate citizenship. b. Desirable home and family relationships. c. Adequate health provisions. — d. Economic competence. e. Effective use of leisure time. Each of these goals may be discussed in terms of the implications for ad- ministration, curriculum, adequately staffed schools, and teacher training. DISCUSSION GROUPS July 7 at 10:00 a. m. Discussion of important features advanced in Panels “A” and > “What’s Happening to Rural Life in Kansas?” and “What Are the Goals for Rural Life in Kansas?” C. What Are the Responsibilities of the Schools in Achieving These Goals? July 7, 3:00 p. m.. 1. Panel members: M. L. Smith, Head of Extousion Division and Rural Education, State Nor- mal College, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan, Chairman. Miss Fannie Dilsaver, County Superintendent, Belleville, Kansas. M. W. Roper, Head of Department of Sociology and Economics, Kansas — State Teachers College, Emporia. Miss Georgianna Smurthwaite, Kansas State College, Extension Division, Manhattan, Kansas. F. Floyd Herr, Sec., Kansas State Board of Education, Topeka, Kansas. 2. Suggsted topics: a. How may the schools emphasize what is lacking or not done sufficiently well in the community by other groups? Emphasize those services that are well performed by other groups. b. What changes would be necessary in administration, supervision, qual- ification of teachers, school buildings and equipment, and P.T.A. groups? c. How should the School Districts, Counties, and State jointly share in providing adequate rural education?