Western Union Chicago, Ill. April 21, 1944. Dr. F. ©. Allen University of Kansas. e Please wire me collect following information regarding Ray Evans. What is his military status? What does he weigh? His height, his age? What is your personal opinion of his football ability? Also what position does he play in backfield? What kind of kicker and passer is he? Appreciate immediate reply. Regards.. Jim Enright, Herald-American, Chicago. Reply: Ray Evans had just completed his junior year in college when he entered military service March 6, 1943, a year a go. He is 22 yoarS of age. He six feet one inch, weighs 185 pounds and is all granite. Versatile, aggressive, shifty and drives like a catapult. He was tailback, a fine kicker and a most exceptional passer. Kansas played Bernie Bierman's Iowa Prelight and Bierman characterized him a most exceptional and versatile player on a weak team. He was rated by authorities here equal to our Ralph Miller in forward passing and superior in other qualifications. I coached him in basketball and found him to be a coach's dream so far as temperament, competitive ability, loyalty and leadership are concerned. He is tops with me from every angle of consideration. Unusually modest ‘he leads the men by the power of his play, but his personalit y is all that anyone would desire. He has one more year of participation at the University of Kansas. Forrest C. Allen.