Mre Maurice L. Breidenthal, President, Security National Bank, Kansas City, Kansas. Dear Maurice: You wrote a bully letter to Al Wellhausen. if this does not bring any result, you have my authority to go right ahead and put it in the hands of the | collection agencye Let's make that fellow pay -— end oe ee This is one lug thet hasiét paid. iT saw Al at the Great Lakes - Kansas game in Kansas City. le was in Jimy Nixon's office at the auditorium, and wanted to get two box seats, but as ee rere We ons Va For nething, because he : played in the Naismith League. Off the record, I told Jimy Mixon that "4? he isn't a deadbeat I never sew one". Now, here's the laugh = the boys told me later that he and Nixon were ~— and frequented the night clubs together. I hope Sincerely yours, Director of Fhysical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. :