February 21, 1942. tr. R. 5, Bowles, | Director of Athletics and Physical Education, - William Jewell College, | Liberty, Missouri. Dear Re Bes , Your letter of Pebruary 10th has remained un- answered due to the fact that I have been trying to cive you some definite information regarding our summer session physical education program for national defense. We are still uncertain about this, and I am not in a position to tell you more than I would have seid should I have answered your letter earlier. : However, I am hoping to give you some information later, but it will have to wait. If and when I get this in- — formation I will be very happy to write you. Won't you write and tell mo what you are contemplating? How large a sumer session do you have at Jewell? We Have always offered all sorts of recreational facilities. In the evening we have the recreational center open with lights on the quadrangle and we have from 175 to 300 persons out each evening for plays and gemes. In the afternoon we have softball, golf, tennis, swimming, handbail, and so forth, but we have never given credit nor has it been required. ‘We think wehave a pretty fine program. , | I am glad that Miss Wisler is getting along nicely. Flease give her my kindest regards. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, ‘Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.